
AI-generated art (if you wanna call it that) is like Google Glass and the Metaverse. It’s not that most people don’t want it in their lives, they actually actively despise it. It’s a product that generates feelings of loathing rather than delight; dismay rather than joy.
Someone at work suggested AI to get emails out to clients faster. I suggested an email that read: “Some companies are using AI to write emails like this. I wrote this email myself because I’m here to support your business and I think you’d prefer a real person on your side.”
You know, Gillian has been arguing for weeks that any service that promises to connect you with humans instead of AI will obliterate any competitors who go the other way.
A version of that has worked with me for many years. I'm more likely to go with a company that lets me speak to a human than one that designs their phone system to be an automated labyrinth of misdirection and frustration.