
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
That was based on a submission from this person with great taste in movies, but the abortion ones were all me
Steal the Declaration of Independence, post the back of it online in high definition for any and all treasure map enthusiasts/Nicolas Cage
Oh, if only HE had the balls to do it .....but alas, he has been effectively neutered by the Obama School of When They Go Low We Go High......too bad.
1) Superglue the Liberty Bell 2) Pack the fucking court 3) Declare a National #MST3K (paid) Holiday
This should be fine, shit's not even classified they shared that with everybody
He was there when it was written, it’s only fair he gets to take it with him.
I don't know ... what's wrong with assassination?