Joe Katz

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Joe Katz

Democracy is like exercise. You can't do it once every four years and complain when you don't see results.

Activist. Comms. Unhappy warrior. "Soros-backed." He/him.
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can we PLEASE take a moment to talk about how giraffes use their own butts as pillows when they sleep
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The SCOTUS immunity decision has fundamentally changed our government. Join us tomorrow to discuss why this is and what this means. Friday 10AM ET
Tomorrow on my live webcast “History Matters” (surprise!): Presidential Immunity: The Here and Now Friday 10 AM ET
Same tbh
Half-assed fireworks sound like “nah” when they try to pop off.
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You might call the SCOTUS ruling an Enabling Act…
Extremely frustrating to hear legal experts analyzing the SCOTUS ruling on immunity like just another case - it's an inherently normalizing act. People need to stop playing constitutional Calvinball and treat them like political actors.
Someone please pay to write this thinkpiece
Having a lot of thoughts this week about parasociality and how overidentification with public figures and their work results in a reflexive rejection of accusations of wrongdoing not just because it shatters an illusion, but because it feels like a personal attack.
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Having a lot of thoughts this week about parasociality and how overidentification with public figures and their work results in a reflexive rejection of accusations of wrongdoing not just because it shatters an illusion, but because it feels like a personal attack.
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Reposted byAvatar Joe Katz
Today we celebrate the day the Founders declared independence by publishing a list of things King George had done that, apparently, were cuckish insufficiently authoritarian.
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
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when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
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I'm tacking on some of my Twitter thread to this. Tweet link: KREM video:
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Earlier Today | Gaza City's oldest market has been eradicated by lsraeli airstrikes
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If recent years should have taught folks anything, it's that you should inform yourself about a thing thoroughly before you assume that people raising the alarm about it are fear-mongering or overreacting.
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Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead
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CDC: COVID is a health threat that can surge all year round. NY Democrats: The pandemic is over, let's ban masks! The mask ban is anti-science, anti-public health, anti-safety. Take action to stop the mask ban⬇️
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source:
COVID Advocacy COVID Advocacy NY
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I've been thinking about this post from the Claremont Institute, a Trumpist think tank, ever since the SCOTUS immunity ruling. Wonder what "unpleasant things" the Trumpists have in mind.
This is a good thread. To be clear, there is definitely a media panic going on. But that's not Biden's actual problem.
If Biden steps down, it won't be because of the Times or his critics in the party or left Twitter or even the polls. It will be because he has lost the confidence of the top echelons of the Democratic Party. Everything else is decoration.
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Noor is a mother of three taking care of her senior parent in the destruction of Gaza - consider helping her if possible, and share this widely to increase her reach of you cannot. Thank you.
My dear friends...there is a problem with my PayPal...but whoever can help, please help us with the wallet program, and may God bless you, my friends 🙏🫂💞
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Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
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Reposted byAvatar Joe Katz
War is a mass disabling event and any approach to disability justice should demand an end to war and a free Palestine, full stop.
“Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis, when talking to children. They tell us, we’re waiting for our legs to grow again. Sometimes, it’s difficult to explain that that’s not going to happen.”
How the war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled “Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.”
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Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
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Judge John Broomes, a Trump appointee, issued a nationwide Title IX rule injunction covering all children of "Moms for Liberty" members this week. That's bad enough, but the procedural/notice mess he made of it is also really absurd:
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NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.
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"Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. 'As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,' the group’s website proclaims." Yeah, um... ...that's only opaque if you don't know what the Fourteen Words are
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It will take time and a lot of work to excise the appeasement impulse from Labour culture. I expect Starmer to make numerous unnecessary culture war concessions to conservatives and the far right out of a misguided fear of losing voters, even after this landslide victory.
Labour’s campaign was extremely cautious, and given past defeats I understand why. But now the UK center-left has a huge majority in a system with many fewer choke points than in the U.S. Let’s hope they’re ready to govern like the dominant party they now are
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JUST IN: Labour heading toward a landslide victory in the UK. This is their return to power, for the first time since 2010. National exit poll, released moments ago, shows them above 400 seats. The ruling conservatives projected at 131, which would be their lowest since WWII.
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Is there a good antonym for "fearmongering"? Methodically downplaying things that people *should* be afraid of?
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"