
Seems like "a general election debate in June probably won't matter much" should be the conventional wisdom. Anyway, I like Fetterman for being one of the only Dems who's not a member of the anxiety caucus
I’m trying as much as I can to adopt this posture, and to be sure, there’s a logic to it. The thing that gives me pause is that last night was supposed to alleviate concerns about Biden’s age, and he’s only going to get older as this campaign goes on
"Only going to get older". We're talking about a few months here. Also, like... age is very likely priced in. Most people haven't seen Trump spew his bullshit in four years. Who tf knows how this will even land
Fetterman had a literal stroke and couldn't put a sentence together. If that happened to Biden a lot of people on here would go full Jonestown apparently
I hear ya- and he still has my vote. That isn’t changing. But last night was worrisome, and for me at least, it’s difficult to get around it
Like look what happened when he had a cold
That makes it at worst a missed opportunity to improve his position somewhat, not a campaign-ending catastrophe like so many people seem to have decided ten minutes into the debate and are now refusing to budge from
Look I even hesitate to say you gotta give it to him here, as Fetterman has been pretty awful about some stuff this year, but he’s absolutely correct here.