
I think basically what's going on here is every journalist is reporting in the Woodward and Bernstein tradition, where if your reporting results in a big change in policy or (!!!) a presidential resignation, you win all the Pulitzers.
The reason they don't bother with Trump and Republicans anymore is that they don't have any pull with those people. They could run a negative Trump story every day until election day (they have more than enough material) and the best they could hope for is he loses.
But reporting negatively on a candidate and that candidate then losing doesn't win any Pulitzers. So they can write that one off immediately.
I see it as a sideshow. This election is a referendum on Trump, yet again. It hardly matters who's opposing him, though in practice it's still likely to be Biden, and if it's not him, it's Harris. There's no real path for anyone else. And between them... I just don't care.