
I'm on a Teams call with my representative, and I can't even call him a cowardly shit weasel because my newborn only seems to be able to sleep on my chest today
Kinda feel like if you've got video on, and you quietly, calmly, don't wake the baby-ly bring the "cowardly shit weasel" it could work for you. But you know better than I would
I'll be on a call with him again soon. I'll be able to put my back into it then.
Look how happy and comfortable he looks! 🥰
He's a little angel. One of my favorite parts of this age is having them just melt on my chest for hours. I can't explain why, but it's such a special time.
I remember. My son is 33 now. No more snuggling. 😢 I’m so happy for you to be having this experience. You’ll remember all your life.