John Picacio

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John Picacio

International Man of Lotería. Cover Artist. Visual Storyteller. 3x Hugo Award Winner. 5x Locus Award Winner. Inkpot Award Winner. Joined July 2023. He/him.
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Isn't it interesting that they're trying to frame themselves as initiating *that* war instead of the Civil War? Wannabe Confederates still don't like being called what they are. Probably because it reminds them they lost the first time.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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Resist inevitability. It doesn't exist. It's an invention of people trying to convince you to shut up and go along so that they don't have to fight you, because fighting is hard and there's generally a very good possibility that they'll lose
I saw the tantrum J.M. Straczynski threw in Last Dangerous Visions. A lot of friends in that author list on page 427. I suppose his hope was to make himself look good at their expense. Didn’t work. All he’s done is bring shame upon himself and the book.
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If you've ever read any Jonathan Carroll you will know how cool this is. If not, you have a treat in store.
JABberwocky, in partnership with, is thrilled to announce that this summer, we will be re-issuing six titles by the Pushcart Prize, World Fantasy, British Fantasy, Bram Stoker Award-winning author Jonathan Carroll!
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Let's talk about how amazing this hardcover limited edition will be... (and it gets even better as we move through the stretch goals)
THREAD: Saturday night, I won the Locus Award in the Artist category, and was so busy drawing on book deadline that I didn't even notice the time ‘til the ceremony was over. 😱 1/
More tomorrow, but I just found out I won the Locus Award tonight, in the Artist category. 👀 So slammed on deadline work & focused on drawing right now that I totally forgot to come up for air and watch the ceremony. Oy. Many thanks to share tomorrow! Congrats to all the Winners and Finalists!
TONIGHT. Rebecca and I will be *live* talking MIRRORED HEAVENS and all things Between Earth and Sky. 7pm. At Book People. Be there, ATX.
Happy Book Birthday to the great Rebecca Roanhorse. MIRRORED HEAVENS is out today! Cover art by me! Fun to see Rebecca’s fans already going crazy for this book. 👀 Thank you to Joe Monti and for bringing me aboard this team. Congrats, all!
Sorry — I don’t have a Macallan 34. Rare. Hella-pricey. But I have this one. I save drams of this to commemorate babies being born, major career events, life victories & winning Hugos. Add to that — victories for democracy vs. Republican felons running for President. Salud, my fellow Americans.
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Friday! Suggestions close Friday!
Chesley suggestion time for the 2024 awards. That means works shown or created in 2023. Anyone can suggest pieces for the Chesleys. You have until April 26th to get them in! Have a book cover you are particularly proud of? Let us know! Link:
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Dear Friends and Family of Caitlin: Caitlin passed away at 1 am this morning in the Lurie Children's Hospital PICU. We never left her side, and she was made comfortable for her last 10 hours. She listened to David Bowie, Neko Case, and the New Pornographers. 1/4
Gotta get my ballot done today. The fun thing about voting on the Locus Awards is I inevitably discover a book somewhere on the Recommended List that I didn’t know existed and suddenly need. Get your votes in, everyone.
April 15 is your deadline for Locus Awards voting! Go tell us your favorites of the year at the Poll & Survey at... #sff #books
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Anyone else rely on certain cover artists when looking for new authors to read? In the 80s for me it was Darrell K Sweet and Larry Elmore. Nowadays it's I was looking for some new Urban fantasy and found Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
Huge CONGRATS to all! Beautiful new award design by, commissioned by Sara Felix! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
The 2023 Chesley awards. Check our website for the full list! I’m always blown away by the talent in our community. Congratulations to the winners but also many thanks for everyone who suggests and votes!
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Our new award - Artists are shamans, creating and expressing visions that propel the world's imagination. Athena is the symbol of wisdom, war, and the arts - the muse that sparks those new visions across space and time. Nekro created and designed this icon, as commissioned by the ASFA President.
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Cat’s out of the bag. I’m Artist Guest of Honor for this year’s Dragon Con. You gonna be there too?? 🐉✊🏽 cc:
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What's not being talked about is how Lily Gladstone brought 28 Indigenous Osage singers to the Oscars to sing 'Wahzhazeh' ("A Song For My People"). For Natives it's not about the individual, it's about uplifting community
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Post a book whose cover you love, and SAY WHO THE COVER ARTIST IS, why do I have to say this? I am eagerly awaiting the new novel from Rebecca Roanhorse, with an absolutely breathtakingly stunning cover by John Picacio. 📚💙
Apologies for breaking up the Hugo Awards chaos in your feed. My cover art for Rebecca Roanhorse’s forthcoming novel MIRRORED HEAVENS has been selected for inclusion in the 12th INFECTED BY ART Annual. Thx to John Vairo ( AD) + the great Joe Monti for bringing me aboard!
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It’s release day for The Book of Ile-Rien!
I’m heading to in Houston today to sign their preorders of The Book of Ile-Rien, which will be published tomorrow by Art by Emmanuel Shiu, design by Christine Foltzer, edited by Lee Harris.
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When Toth said “think more, draw less” this is what he meant. Mazz draws the structure of the leg only in pencils so he doesn’t need to draw it in ink
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Avatar maybe I won't be buying Girl Scout cookies this year. Maybe instead I'll be writing an angry letter to the org instead.
The Girl Scouts threatened legal action against a troop who made bracelets to raise money for children in Gaza A mother asked the leadership how their bracelet sale was any different than the Girl Scout fundraisers for Ukraine
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A couple of interesting letters from Steve Ditko, commenting on the "hierarchy of focus". Some elements should be more important than others in a complex illustration; when everything is treated with equal focus, the reader's eye can't be guided, and the impact is weakened.
I’m legit rooting for you. 💪🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I'm legit investigating going back to school for a Master's so I can run a SFF art museum with a robust print/gift shop. Afaict most "genre" art is in the hands of private collectors, and that's a TON of work that's inaccessible to the public. I'd like to change that.
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Tiny sketches are live for patrons! Early bird period ends on March 1st, after that they'll be added to my page. Have questions? let me know!
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Mood of gratitude. When I started my defunct "42" blog, Martha Wells was one of the 1st to happily contribute a guest essay; when I wanted to do an online group reading of scifi & fantasy geniuses, she was enthusiastically onboard. Gratitude: Martha Wells is good people, in case you didn't know.
If you see this, post a book you’ve read more than once. Most of the books in this thread are prose novels so this may be a curveball. But I’m not blinking. If you know US comics history, I also highly recommend Moore’s “What We Can Know About Thunderman?”, which demands re-reads of its own.
If you see this, post a book you’ve read more than once. Spare, bleak, and brutal, WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO… demolishes many of the village pieties of genre SF. It’s also very funny. It was originally published in GALAXY during the editorship of Jim Baen. Which is to say, people are complicated.