Mary Robinette Kowal

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Mary Robinette Kowal

Hugo-award winning author, narrator, and professional puppeteer. Also has a talking cat.
I recently read her first "Lady Astronaut" book and it was really good, so this is an exciting project!
We unlocked another stretch goal overnight! Now all tiers with a patch set will get a sticker sheet of the patch designs and the sheet will be available for a $7 add-on! Next up, more upgrades to both the soft & hard cover edition of the book.
More support = more stretch goals. I think the logic speaks for itself. 💙📚
We unlocked another stretch goal overnight! Now all tiers with a patch set will get a sticker sheet of the patch designs and the sheet will be available for a $7 add-on! Next up, more upgrades to both the soft & hard cover edition of the book.
We unlocked another stretch goal overnight! Now all tiers with a patch set will get a sticker sheet of the patch designs and the sheet will be available for a $7 add-on! Next up, more upgrades to both the soft & hard cover edition of the book.
We've unlocked a tier I've been wanting to make for a long time! These are the astronaut wings for the Lady Astronaut Universe and are available now as an add-on item for any of the physical reward levels!
Did you miss the livestream or still have questions for me? Join my Patreon at the Q&A level with a free seven day trial join me in a Zoom room to ask me anything!
Join me for a live reading of excerpts from "Silent Spaces" on Instagram live in 12 minutes!
I'm at that awkward point in crocheting a shirt where I know it is too big and also it is nearly finished. So I'm just going to stare sadly at it for days or months before I finally decide to frog the whole thing and start again.
The last stretch goal we unlocked was a 4th patch to add to the set! This one will be voted on by the backers so here's a quick highlight of the first tier with the patches:
This photo is just a pile of paper. There's nothing else to see. Move along.
Love is love. It's only political when you decide to regulate it based on hate.
Witch King is coming out in paperback from Tordotcom on July 9! Cover art by Cynthia Sheppard.
Ever wanted to see a real-life supervillain lair?
Best $2 I've ever spent at a garage sale.
Elsie and Guppy want you to know that they see you and love you. Happy Pride!
I’m so pleased to finally reveal the cover for Mary Robinette Kowal's SILENT SPACES, a collection of short stories in the Lady Astronaut Universe! You can back it now on Kickstarter:
I'm blow away by how far we've come in just four days. You all are amazing and I'm so grateful! I also just decided on the pin reward for the 70k will be astronaut wings! I'm currently working on the design and will hopefully be able to reveal it soon!
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!" YouTube video by C-SPAN
Just saw some extremely bad writing advice, so: You're a writer if you're not writing right now. You're a writer if you write 1 short story a year. You're a writer if you take breaks. You're a writer if you're still working on *that* story or poem. There's no *one* way. This isn't Highlander.
Hey Folks, Don't forget that #FiyahLitMag's subs open til July 31, 2024, with guest editor Kerine Wint Themed: SPACEFARING AUNTIES. It’s time to explore the adventures of bold, fearless women who defy societal expectations and embark on daring space voyages! Deets:
It makes me very happy when my friends succeed - this project funded! - but, you know, you can help this friend in particular succeed EVEN MORE, because there are awesome stretch goals:
Silent Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
This morning's reward highlight is the Original Piece of Microfiction! What is it? A customized (for you) one-page original short story typed on an actual typewriter.
Bonus comrade card for today. (Words by, of course)
A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
Last night, Elsie said HELP, which she rarely says. I said, "Show me." She led me to the counter, then jumped from there to my shoulder, where she proceeded to use the additional height to hunt a mosquito. I can't help but think that if she'd been in the debate she would've been the most coherent.
God, I wish it were Kamala Harris in this debate.