
Some questions that need clear, logical answers that are grounded in reality before replacing a nominee: What percentage of current campaign staff would stay? What percentage of field sites would remain operational? What percentage of volunteers would stay and campaign for a tbd candidate?
At this point, I'd roll the dice with Harris rather than face certain defeat with Biden.
The polls are basically even? Where are you getting certain defeat?
The debate was so bad that large groups of his own supporters have called on him to quit. Not just pundits. My son messaged me in despair told me not to watch and signed off #Whitmer2024. There’s no coming back from that
Feel like the screenwriters drafting the big American decline narrative have been a bit heavy handed this season
honestly anyone who even pretends to think parachuting their preferred white person in over the sitting pres or VP is a good strategy is not to be taken seriously. they don't want to win, they want to be pandered to and they don't understand how power and money work
I've been blocking on sight because overwrought liberals who think they're in an episode of west wing is part of how we got here
Everyone loves to imagine that they're Josh Lyman looking for their Matthew Santos
deeply toxic, extremely white main character syndrome
I don't have a strong grasp on how Americans will vote in any given situation, but if there's one thing 2015-16 taught me, it's that the pundit class don't either.
I’m sorry but i have to go with the polls. And there is no way Whitmer steps in. At all.
The polls have consistently showed Biden losing. If he were far ahead, as he ought to be on the merits, no one would be panicking about a bad day. It's true that no one else polls well in hypothetical matchups. But Biden is a guaranteed loser. Time to roll the dice.