Francis Markham

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Francis Markham

Likes geography, hates writing bios. Settler on stolen land. He/his.

I have never met with Brian Burke.
Since I've been seeing folks talk around it but not post any articles, here's the Al-Jazeera article detailing Israel's massacre of at least 71 Palestinians and injury of several 100 while ostensibly targeting a Hamas commander today
‘Children in pieces’: Israeli raids on Gaza ‘safe zone’ kill 71, wound At least five Israeli air strikes target tents of displaced people near water desalination unit in the al-Mawasi camp.
I work fairly hard at trying to have normal conversations on here but Bluesky lately seems to be speedrunning through all the reasons that I stopped bothering on Twitter
I think most people really don't have any context for the cumulative effect of the constant unhinged low level harassment that comes past a certain threshold of name recognition
The first test for Starmer and Reeves on domestic policy imo will be if they run a commission of audit, decry the previous government's deception about the parlous state of the treasury, and then use it as an excuse to raise taxes. Don't be like Albo.
Not going out after 8pm (out of respect for POTUS)
"... indirect deaths range from 3–15 times the number of direct deaths... it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict. ...this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip. "
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
Just found out that the guy who wrote 1984 is a different person to the one who directed Citizen Kane. I thought Orwell was just his two names together, like JLo.
Leonard Peltier just got denied parole. Joe Biden is now the only person on earth who can pardon him & free him from his nearly 50 years as a political prisoner.
Leonard Peltier Denied Parole After Nearly 50 Years In President Joe Biden is likely the last hope for the ailing, 79-year-old Native American rights activist to ever go home.
Regret to say that is looking increasingly likely to have been correct about the future of US democracy
In a sign NAIDOC is around the corner and rednecks & racists are being triggered, this photo is from FB. It shows some thug holding a shotgun shot outside Yorta Yorta Nation Corporation in Barmah. Mob live in a constant state of intimidation. Of course they can’t go to police…
Is it true that taxes on wealth transfers have been decreasing everywhere in the neoliberal period? The GC Wealth Project’s interactive dashboard allows you to explore this question and more — see our new featured content here: #EconSky
All those so-called radicals voting uncommitted in the Democratic primaries must be feeling vindicated right now
Yep, the president's Gaza policy actually gets failing grades from surveyed Middle East scholars, with over three quarters saying the policy has had negative impact on advancing peace in Israel/Palestine, on US interests in the Middle East, and on America's standing in the world:
I think it's safe to say a healthy majority of Middle East experts have been yelling at the Administration to do the exact opposite of what it has been doing the last eight months and that may explain some things
don't talk to me or my son ever again
Back in the day, Labor governments constrained on big spending still made substantial progress on law reform. Today, not so much. #auspol The Attorney who chooses his battles, too rarely - Pearls and Irritations The Attorney who chooses his battles, too rarely - Pearls and Irritations 1/2
The Attorney who chooses his battles, too rarely - Pearls and Mark Dreyfus is one of those who gives every appearance of being intimidated by the national security state.
“In January, a UN report compiled for the UNSC said it had “credible” evidence that the UAE had sent weapons to the RSF “several times per week” via Amdjarass in northern Chad. The UAE denied the accusation.”
Sudan accuses UAE of fuelling civil war with arms Report by UN experts in January found ‘credible’ evidence that United Arab Emirates has been arming RSF paramilitary.
Hell yeah I support nuclear power (capturing the energy released from a giant fusion reaction in space using photovoltaic panels and wind turbines)
June 20 deadline! Last call for best thesis in Asia-Pacific economic history. Finalists are invited to present (hybrid) at the 2024 Asian Historical Economic conference & publish a summary in the Asia-Pacific Econ Hist Review 📉📈📗🗃 #history #AcademicSky #demography #polisky #geosky #sociology #HistIR
Has anyone else started getting lots of bot followers since DMs were introduced?
You can't tell me this house on Wattle St doesn't appreciate landscape design
I was inspired to reread Matt Klein and Michael Pettis's Trade Wars Are Class Wars after hearing Brian Deese refer to them in his interview on the Shift Key podcast. It took me a few months, but I finally finished rereading it, and wrote about it:
Rereading Trade Wars Are Class Here’s a post that’s been in the works for a very long time – basically, going back to the Shift Key two-part interview with Brian Deese, in freaking March. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was im...
To me, the astonishing thing is that polls are as accurate as they are, given these response rates.
127,000 calls to get 1,059 respondents. These polls are sampling exclusively from people in the 99th percentile of the category “answers spam calls and then stays on the line once it’s abundantly clear it’s a survey firm” and man, if you think that’s a representative demographic…
man europe is so fucked
Bother against the machine
make a band milder: Medium-sized Attack
When I wrote Zombie Economics, about 15 years ago, it was one of a number of books saying that neoliberalism ought to be dead, but wasn't. Now, at least in Foreign Policy, it's safe to treat the death of neoliberalism as something that has already happened.