
But that’s what will happen if people follow your plan. That’s it. There’s no null space in history we hang out in while you gut the Dems. If they’re not in power, the GOP is. Even if (if!) your plan works, we’re looking at 20-30 years of right wing Christian national governance. Right?
C’mon mate, if you got a timeline where the GOP doesn’t take control for 20-30 years while you execute your project, I’d genuinely love to hear it. But if you don’t have one, you have to accept responsibility for that suffering. You may think it’s worth it! Then say it.
Clearly, he doesn’t expect to personally experience that suffering. No one who thinks they themselves are on the line for pain would be so calm about it. (I know you know this John. Saying it for everyone who doesn’t.)
He has eight followers, which means six bots and the parents whose basement he lives in. Why are we engaging with him?
It’s good practice for when you hit one of these chimps in real life.
And apparently his first engagement on this site is a long reply thread about why platforming Nazis is Good Actually Just block ‘im (as I’m about to do)
I muted him. And then since John kept responding (and gave a decent reason why), I unmuted one post so I could respond too. He wants to be flirted with, see. He wants us to act like we want his vote, and to drop our drawers for him so he feels properly wined and dined. I told him to grow up.
I don't think he wants to be flirted with; I think he just wants the satisfaction of knowing he's annoyed some libs. I have trouble imagining someone so strictly sticking to the 'cartoonishly-obvious bad-faith argument' scripts otherwise.
No, I think that Dems guilting people into voting for them or acting entitled to people's votes is a winning strategy, so I always try to encourage loyal Democrats to get out of their comfort zone a little and be nice to people.
Good point. Those 8 followers are inactive accounts that I have now blocked
I wish BlueSky had an option to block an account and all of its followers. One fell stroke…
I think it exists but I haven’t looked into it. Called something like Blockenheimer