
krugman lands on the core point that explains why the very rich prefer trump to biden, despite the fact that democrats have over and over proven themselves to be better at economy than republicans for them, money isn't about material goods. it's about keeping score.
Opinion | Freedom’s Just Another Word for Not Paying Why America’s oligarchs are rallying around Trump.
trump promises the very rich--just as he promises the white gentry--not an *objective material* improvement in their fortunes, but rather a *relative* improvement to their place in the hierarchy, first and foremost by discipline-and-punishing their "lessers"
he's going to crush the unions, deport the immigrants, force queers back into the closet and women back into the kitchen the subaltern are going to be "reminded of their place" and "order" will be restored "economic anxiety" is merely the gloss people put on the anxieties of challenged hierarchy
I swear a lot of these guys would give up half their net worth to openly use slurs and grope their employees.