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Reposted byAvatar Vair
This is a corollary of my larger belief about society, which is that it is fine except for the people
Reposted byAvatar Vair
I'm sure thst unless you follow Jewish media you have seen absolutely nothing about this but today a group of Isreali and US Rabbis were arrested at the Gaza border for demonstrating while attempting to bring a shipment of food to Palestinians. They are part of the group Rabbis for Ceasefire.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Chinese people are not safe to speak anywhere, even when whole family escaped. Unless their whole extended family escaped I guess?
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Elect more Dems & you'll get more of this, & over time you'll see fewer judges trying to dismantle this stuff, too.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
everyone who ever typed “you know trump is never gonna see this right” taking a huge L today
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Reposted byAvatar Vair
attn national political reporters, it doesn’t matter what they *say*, this is what they *do*.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Like another conservative hero, Jesus, it is impossible to convict Donald Trump of a crime
Reposted byAvatar Vair
UNPRECEDENTED. Like, this is literally the first time a court has ruled that denying someone their birth control prescription amounts to sex discrimination. It’s about time.
First-of-its-kind decision finds pharmacist discriminated in not filling a valid emergency contraception prescription - Gender
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
are you better off now than four years ago when you blacked out inside every time the president blurbled ‘testing makes the numbers go up’ as you disinfected your groceries and tried to remember the last thing they said on the zoom call before your kids started fighting for the 17th time today
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Reposted byAvatar Vair
The Supreme Court justices offered an object lesson in how originalism actually works in their decision on the Trump ruling, which not only disregarded much of the 14th Amendment but then rewrote parts that made them uncomfortable
The Supreme Court Once Again Reveals the Fraud of The justices did not want to throw Trump off the ballot, and so they didn’t.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
SCOTUS: there’s nothing in the rule book that says a dog can’t play basketball CITIZENS: what about the constitutional amendment that specifically bans dogs from playing basketball SCOTUS: no that’s about something else
Reposted byAvatar Vair
the food babe is a well known quack and outspoken anti vaxxer stop incredulously sharing her garbage like it's actual health advice. the US is simply stricter about how specific ingredient lists must be
Differences between EU and US nutrition labels go far beyond ounces and When you’re trying to stay healthy, food labels can help. Here’s how to navigate the thorny, heavily regulated and sometimes willfully obtuse labelling in the US and EU
They were persecuted for revealing the truth. (Also the Alf hog thing)
bananas are nasty
Reposted byAvatar Vair
OH MY GOD… A Turning Point rep (Charlie Kirk’s org) tweeted this out and look at the response.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
Also, Plan A remains the same as ever: You vote against Donald Trump. You get other people to vote against Donald Trump. You treat people who say there is another option like fascist collaborators, because they are
Reposted byAvatar Vair
I live in the same town as this woman. She organized and runs a chapter of Moms for Liberty. She was removed from back to school night at the highschool for screaming about teen girls having their breasts cut off. She has doxxed teachers. Her activities resulted in multiple bomb threats at schools.
Here we have a 53-year-old woman who is so consumed with hatred for her trans kid that she pretends to be nonbinary to show the world how quickly you can get hormones and surgery. It takes 10 months just to get a referral.
I Pretended To Be ‘Nonbinary’ To Expose a Medical Scandal at Kaiser Kaiser gender specialists were eager to approve hormones and surgeries, which would all be covered by insurance as “medically necessary.”
Reposted byAvatar Vair
On the evening of the attack, Israeli intelligence identified hundreds of new Israeli SIM cards suddenly activated by Hamas operatives, and interpreted it to be a Hamas military exercise.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
One reason I'm running for office is that you really just need one person, one elected official, who just absolutely refuses to shut up about this stuff, and half the time that's sufficient to make the whole world talk and think about it.
I can’t believe we’re here again: Republicans caught dead to rights in an insane corruption scandal with most Dems are content to move on and most media, thus, uninterested in chasing the story.
This is bullshit. I started exercising and now my mood is elevated? I'm kind of disappointed in my brain to be honest.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
TRAVIS KELCE: fully vaccinated, body robust, played 21 games, won world championship, dating most famous woman in the world AARON RODGERS: takes fake vaccine, played 75 seconds of football before tendon failure, body as frail as a Victorian child possibly due to preventable illnesses vaccines work
I give Biden a lot of credit for curtailing drone strikes, but what if we did a few more, as a treat?
N12: Netanyahu is preventing Israeli negotiators from returning to Cairo to continue the hostage deal talks, even though negotiators believe there is progress in talks, and wish to continue negotiating.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
also under “border closed” conditions we’d still, by law, be processing asylees at ports at floor rate which annualized is about 500k/year, or more than we process now.
Reposted byAvatar Vair
[quietly] mandate mandate mandate mandate
! Democrats won tonight’s legislative special election in Pennsylvania, in the northern suburbs of Philly, by 36 percentage points: 68% to 32%. Biden won by 10% here.