Nathan Bernhardt

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Nathan Bernhardt

gonna call myself Nathan on here too.
like it's very clear what's happened here (and was probably clear to KG when he said it, maybe even to provoke this exact response from black): tenacious D is now a band that exists to do brittany spears covers on the kung fu panda 4 soundtrack, and fucking with that is fucking with black's money
watched the long good friday last night and man that's just the root codex for guy ritchie's whole shit, isn't it. like obviously there's also a whole lesser body of work there but lmao
specifically the university boy jeff and his superposition between hoskins and the rest of london informs like All of ritchie's british crime stories, there's always the smart lad who knows too much for his own good
his jeff not only pretty much always being a good guy but actually being the protagonist in some of them is quite funny
also good lord pierce brosnan in this
to be honest the one thing i'm most certain of is that there's a short-term 3-5% swing in "eyyyy looks like a badass, good on ya" from a bunch of people who aren't paying much attention. that's the actual calculation, not stuff about committed voters changing their minds
sorry to keep posting about politics but one of his guys tried to shoot him and they've just decided to stop contesting the election
it is unfortunate for everyone else involved on this side of the fence that the elected national members of the democratic party have no other use for political power than to conduct the nicest, kindest funeral they can for both themselves and america
only good thing about this party of reaganites, weird losers and bad media fetishists deciding basically as one to just give up on july 15th is that there's long enough to the election for them to get bored and pivot to doing something else by the time the election rolls around. you'd fucking hope
you are hearing this from axios because the people who own axios are trump donors and voters. you will also hear it in some format from every single other media outlet you rely on or trust because the people who own them are trump donors and voters. except defector
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
in maybe a different, less incredibly demoralizing and destructive media cycle it would be funny to see outlets doing the "this might be the day donald trump finally becomes president" shit on the morning of the RNC while he is not actually president, but here we are
ag sulzberger has clearly been radicalized in his groupchats; jeff bezos is jeff bezos. all cable TV news station management basically state outright that they're republicans not merely because of their income bracket but because reactionary programming sells. you're not gonna find respite anywhere.
incredible game of "how much of this scene in brixton is just straight racist as opposed to racist but we're shaking our head at it to show we disapprove" going on there too
what if our digital archiving and historiography is so bad that in the future they call him don trump
there's a joke i want to make about this once you fight a specific boss but you will know what that joke is and make it yourself once you fight that specific boss
oh etherwind's back
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
still knowing that is my personal "getting probation for 100000 hours"
sometimes i'm like "why don't i ever go out to any maryland championship wrestling events" and then they get in the news and it's for bringing sex pest/weird crime guy velveteen dream in and it's like "oh right"
it's not often that after a lifetime of being a dumb catty dissolute failure spectacle with no positive qualities you get one photograph right before you go out that will change the entire historical perception of you
what're you gonna believe, all those difficult or impossible to reach news stories stuck in archives or television shows left to digital rot? or one really compelling static image that gets repeated a lot?
i've heard a lot of crackpot lolbertarianing about baseball being the ultimate game of the individual over the group, where everything a player can do to selfishly better himself is also what's best for the team, and y'know, sure, but that just makes it funnier cuba routinely beats our ass in it
espn is doing a segment about home runs and the voiceover just said “we love the home run because of what it represents: the triumph of the individual against the collective”
i found it too exhausting even trying to figure out the difference between the slot machines. which sucks because the actual gameplay is pretty compelling
thought this was a reply to a political post for a second and now i'm thinking about doing the whiny superego "my lawyer friend said you don't have to post about it" thing but for people who post they're playing f2p games
so bad out there with these free to play games that instead i'm gonna grab borderlands 3 from ps+ for free this month as my thing to mindlessly play while listening to podcasts or streams
ludicrously expanding beyond their means i suspect
that new hoyoverse game has a lot of style but it is on a gacha level for pure sicko freaks and i do not want to spend like an hour just figuring out how to even interact with its method of trying to extract money from me
i probably will eventually because the combat is pretty clean but good god there's like five interlocking systems for horny gambling at play here
this site's neurosis is never more on display than right now, where instead of not posting about it a whole bunch of people are scoldingly, handwringingly posting about not posting about. i will post about it: couldn't have gone better for him if he'd planned it that way. jesus christ.