Nathan Bernhardt

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Nathan Bernhardt

gonna call myself Nathan on here too.
i feel like there's been a Shocking Reversal of this sort in each of the last three French elections largely because English-language media refuses to not cover the first round of voting in the French system like it's the final round of voting
Breaking: A left-wing coalition is on course to win the most seats in France’s legislative election in a surprise blow to far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s hopes of forming the next government Read more:
the entity that continues to call itself "giant bomb" is dumping single-video compilations of premium content series from back when they were a real company onto youtube. there's a literally 43 hour long video of metal gear scanlon 5. grim, grim, grim
i think the next coen bros movie i'll watch is no country for old men because when i saw it in theaters i spent the entire time making out with my gf. yes, with the relief and imprint of self-reflection i also understand that's insane
watching miller's crossing for the first time and this is an S-tier "great protagonist role that will absolutely not make him a star" bit for gabriel byrne
this is literally 68% get the tories out when you add up all the downballot rephrasing about needing a change, alternatives, etc
from needs to patch all the base DLC weapons into the roundtable hold shop. for the content
went to pick up some shirts for an event this weekend, came back out to my car to see an old lady trying the passenger side door and without thinking went into pet scolding mode. "you know you're not supposed to be in there. get outta there." from the look i got this was more insulting than shouting
the economist sided with the confederacy in the civil war, idk that you're gonna be able to make their Top 100 list of worst shit with ageism and ableism
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
happy "wes streeting is already gleefully figuring out who he's going to help purge or openly backstab next" day to all of our british friends who celebrate
glanced at this place's menu again and they've added "cheesesteak w/shrimp." intriguing, but not today. or any day soon.
the over the top italian place nearby does shitty pizza and meatball parms but great cheesesteaks. niche build outside of philly
just realized what really puts me off every time I see RFK Jr is he looks like a royalty-free Mel Gibson
I made a free zine dedicated to the best place to watch pro wrestling, Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. It's 64 pages of photos I've taken from 2019-2023, & one page with a match guide. In between that first run and the last, I got serious about photos. I hope you dig it
Korakuen Hall Zine by david a 64-page tribute to one of the best places in the world
damn he's lost miquella the kind?!
not sure whether "democratic donors positively described joe biden as yoda" or "that Hot Star Wars Guy you're horny for is probably darth plagueis the wise" is a funnier post-cultural-saturation Star Wars bit, and we got both of them on the same day
"a bunch of colonels in a pentagon task group have input into and veto power over elements of the yearly call of duty campaign" is a very flip and reductive way to discuss the intertwinement of military "social ops" and coordination with cultural industries, and also is likely more true than not
Probably the weirdest thing from my dissertation research is the time Ollie North defamed his “old friend” Manuel Noriega in a Call of Duty game, who then sued Activision, Giuliani defended them, then the director of that game went to the Atlantic Council to advise the Pentagon on future threats. 🤷‍♂️
everything seems very bad with no positive outcome or outlet in sight. i believe this means i can order an unhealthy lunch
"there were two matches that didn't belong in the show and they had kazuchika okada pinning hiroshi tanahashi and tetsuya naito pinning jon moxley" would be a very funny thing to send back in time two or three years about forbidden door 2024
love tetsuya naito. understand why new japan wants the belt on him. mox tried as hard as he could and that was the result. naito locked up trying to hit destino and mox had to reset him and guide him to the finish. shades of what ospreay had to do to get him through the G1 last year.
taz just caused ladders "furniture." many questions have arisen
OC/ZSJ won't end up match of the night but they hit top gear in their allotted time with the right winner, so all is good in the world
every FD match so far has ended just as it was getting into high gear, likely due to them all having hard outs for time because AEW is obscenely overreactive to whiners and the last PPV went to 12:30 AM which was the same as killing a lot of podcasters' close family members
toni storm just did the wyatt family-era bray wyatt entrance dressed as the statue of liberty, blowing out the flame of liberty instead of the lantern. okay
the reason i have mostly stopped posting about politics is that my political tendency has been profoundly and permanently defeated in my lifetime and even talking about it on here gives the impression it still exists to blame. there is no more "modern american left." arguably there never was
puttering around in pacific drive some more while i try to get my smile back on elden ring's final boss, and man this is a pretty game. such a great, clean look
new favorite AEW fan located
i think i burnt out on the elden ring DLC literally on the doorstep of the final boss. i just don't want to learn this asshole. i've had to learn too many of these guys
isiah kiner-falefa, winner of the phil hughes "all he had to do was get out of the bronx" memorial trophy
this is not for children or people with developmental disabilities, it is for executives who justify it with wanting to Save Time and Be Efficient
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.