Disco Bones

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Disco Bones


Sometimes musician, sometimes podcaster, sometimes person.

Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
🎧 happy sunday y'all. have a download code on me. this is Splat R., a collab w/ my buddy Jon Paul. lo-fi, electronica. James Watts of Panurus Productions released it on cassette & digital. szye-xxr2 p2k9-e5ch 7hej-g9q5 xc77-39kr jpld-czzl f7sp-xtkj lw4b-ebzk qppw-3w99 gff4-hxgz ywdh-epr6 tjqj-3rck
Kill Spill Thrill, by Panurus Productionspanurusproductions.bandcamp.com 9 track album
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
to the new folks checking out my feed for the first time, hi and welcome. i'm a musician w/ several projects & i run a small, DIY label called Philip K. Discs. it's been a slow process getting stuff out, but i'm super proud of everyone that's been released here & you should listen to all of it.
Philip K. Discsphilipkdiscs.bandcamp.com Through a label darkly...
A group of people are trapped on an unknown island.
I neeeeeeed this
for something totally unrelated i am really looking forward to dropping the next episode of the pod for the sole reason that me and john spend twenty minutes developing a hegelian reading of the borg queen
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Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
hey okay so while we wait for other projects in development to actually go, steve and i are SHOOTING A HORROR MOVIE THIS FALL ON OUR OWN DIME (mostly) and, well, we could use a lil extra for things like SAG and post production
Sight Unseen: A horror film about homeownershipwww.kickstarter.com Three siblings inherit their estranged father's house, only to discover that something else still lives there.
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Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Absolutely delighted to say that THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS has won the Locus Award for first novel! Thank you so much everyone!
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
please sign my petition to post the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition on the wall of every Louisiana classroom
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
More people should use this photo for their Donald Sutherland appreciation skeets. RIP.
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
When you teach a wolf to meditate he becomes aware wolf
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Being alive in 2024 sometimes feels like being a hummingbird flapping its wings thousands of times a second to stay aloft above a vast ocean of sadness and terror
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
A man walked into his house and was delighted when he discovered that someone had stolen all of his lamps.
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Just when I think I've found the most demented early Christian sect the Circumcellions rock up with a two by four like a 4th century incarnation of Fight Club and angrily demand that I reset the scale.
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
A picture of Andorian Gray. Sorry.
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
I mean, whomst amongst us HASN'T gotten so horny that they had to be hospitalized
Can you imagine Robert Caro dedicating decades of his life to write a biography of Big Boss?
Cc @jehu.bsky.social
“Sinners in the Bussy of an Angry God” a sermon by Jonathan Edwards
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Excited to announce my new album as MirrorBoxx today. 'Maximum Program' will be released June 21 on Memory Terminal Records. Pre-orders are live and the track "Minimum Maximum" is streaming. Minimal equipment (2 synths and a drum machine). Maximum sound. mirrorboxx.bandcamp.com/album/maximu...
Maximum Program, by MirrorBoxxmirrorboxx.bandcamp.com 9 track album
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Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
All Star Trek series should legally be allowed seven seasons.
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
exciting canadian immigration news just dropped
Reposted byAvatar Disco Bones
I tweeted about Madison recently, here’s a way to directly help her. Healthcare in the US is a nightmare. We cant fix it overnight for everyone, but we can help improve Maddie’s life Anyone who retweets or donates gets free download codes of our stuff www.spotfund.com/story/c6f456...
spotfund www.spotfund.com
Thanks to @jehu.bsky.social for including my short story in the new issue of Toxic Waste Buzzkill. You can order it at the link in his skeet.
Vol 6. of Toxic Waste Buzzkill is out! Super stoked because: 1. It features Pt. 1 of a brand new sci-fi story from @joncinemadual.bsky.social. 2. The rest of the issue is packed with classic red/blue 3D art riffing on Horace iconography from @wwrrssddrrwwss.bsky.social, Jon, Jimmy Craig, & myself.
Toxic Waste Buzzkill - Volume 6 from QOHELETHqohelethnoise.bandcamp.com Toxic Waste Buzzkill - Volume 6 from QOHELETH
I wish somebody had the courage to put Tom Bombadil on screen. *monkey paw curls*