Jon Hegglund

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Jon Hegglund

Professor and DGS of English, Washington State U. President, WSU-AAUP. Occasional podcaster/writer in the Baseball Prospectus extended universe.
tfw you want to read a book so badly you pay more than the cost of the book in shipping to get it 3 months ahead of its US release date
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Edison, WA. 9:45pm. Westward. Summer.
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The difficult truth is that we must simply do the work. You will join an organization and you will build power with them to challenge the fash in whatever arena you have the most leverage, or you will be crushed.
sometimes it’s pretty where I live
national anthems are weird and fascinating
mood: Elliott Smith covering "Panama"
Will the Fox Save the Henhouse? Click to Find Out!
my interior monologue at the community pool
have unhappily reached the age of: "should I take more time off of running in the hopes that this nagging adductor soreness will go away or do I face up to the fact that I will never run without pain again"
Reposted byAvatar Jon Hegglund
Welp I guess that’s the end of the road for chatGPT. There won’t be any work for 5, it is going to be overqualified and have a much harder time getting hired than 4
Reposted byAvatar Jon Hegglund
Something so uniquely 2024 about setting the air on fire not even to maintain our standard of living but to generate a photo of a lady with a huge ass captioned “Great greetings boys, am single girl in Nebraska”
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
trying something here: CroWASHEDia
Unconscionable that this should happen anywhere, but it's even more dispiriting and infuriating that it's happening at a flagship, public, land-grant university.
Today the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, being led by the nose by President Eli Capilouto, finalized the dissolution of the University Senate, putting the final nail in the coffin of shared governance.
imagining an honest version of LinkedIn where we openly talk about our precarity, failures, rejections, and professional resentments
I'm trying to learn more about it so I can be an informed, engaged, nuanced critic and not just a knee-jerk humanities naysayer. (I mean, I still say "nay" but hopefully in more compelling ways.)
again again again pls be wary of the “nobody wants or trusts or uses AI” narrative on here, because its very siloed. you just have to look at youtube or tik tok to see that so many people are happily using these products if we want to resist it we have to acknowledge and engage with them
ngl, I think it would be fun as hell to go to the London series (jealous of any mutuals who are there, pls post photos)
peonies opened this morning
"fuck off forever into the sun" wasn't an option
reward for two hours of yard work
son is very excited about his thrift store find
it's true, I judge you based on whether you say "RBI" or "RBIs"