Dan Greene

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Dan Greene


Futures of work. Writing, researching, teaching, lefting. Ruthless everything, existing. http://dmgreene.net
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Enjoy listening to a chapter of Allison Pugh's The Last Human Job and explore the human connections that underlie our work, arguing that what people do for each other in these settings is valuable and worth preserving. press.princeton.edu/ideas/listen... #sociology #Audiobook #Humans
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Jane taught us how to dream of power again, how to build that dream via rank-and-file industrial democracy, how (and why) to take the point of reproduction, after the factories closed. With Karen Lewis, the future we win will be in her memory.
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The Lancet. Calculating deaths in Gaza is difficult, but the full toll is probably much higher than the numbers you've been seeing. www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Reposted byAvatar Dan Greene
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
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Charity soccer tournament in Maryland in July
Going with Serpent Salon
Anyone got tattoo shop recommendations in Amsterdam?
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Imagine the City of Philadelphia Now imagine the entire city leveled with every single person displaced
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | CNNwww.cnn.com Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
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1/n Since we are talking about project 2025, here are some things a Trump administration plans to do with higher education policy, in no particular order
Beyond the fact that, given what we know about modern races, things were already trending in this direction, the problem for the newspilled is that we have ingested a thousand new stories about the precise ways in which Biden is old. And while it's a big problem, it's not new--he was already old.
Over-educated folks have a tendency to assume big political problems deserve big complicated solutions--because otherwise what are we for? But sometimes, I'd say most of the time, things can be very difficult but still quite simple.
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I gotta say that people are having a lot of trouble distinguishing cognitive decline (Trump) from age-related changes in expression (Biden). Biden is elderly and talks like it. Trump literally does not have preserved reality-testing
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Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
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Some 42 year old DC social media consultant is going to post something like "Trumps not like us so retweet if you're going to step this way step this way to the polls" and we can't stop that. We don't have the technology. We need one of those goo kids from Minority Report and they're illegal now.
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Man this is a really fantastic point.
A lot of this feels like it's a combination genuine anxiety & efforts to placate donors by pols who depend on those donors & expect to do so long after Biden is gone So I'm going to go ahead & blame Citizens United & the traitor John Roberts for this headache too.
Christ there's Jeff Koons topiary at Glenstone. The man must be stopped.
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
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Explosive reporting in Le Monde confirms what was apparent all week: Macron resisted the emergence of anti-far-right front after round 1. His PM, Attal, forced it as a fait accompli, & pressured for drop outs to block RN. Even then, Macron made some phone calls to undercut it.
Législatives 2024 : entre l’Elysée et Matignon, tensions sur le front républicainwww.lemonde.fr L’attitude à tenir face à la montée de l’extrême droite a profondément divisé Emmanuel Macron et Gabriel Attal. Leurs stratégies, parfois contraires, se sont parasitées avant le second tour des électi...
The Inside Out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
This was also my experience a lil further south (MD and DE) two weeks ago. One lone trump shirt for sale on the boardwalk. Even the insane three-percenter flags and confederate flags are gone.
For all the doom and gloom about Biden, I drove through, like, thirty different jersey shore suburbs yesterday to visit family for the fourth and didn't see a single trump lawn sign, which is a portent.
Bad-faith question for good-faith purposes: What is your favorite example of relatively serious people explaining, seriously, that the Internet is a communist technology that will break all the rules of capitalism and subsequently capitalism itself?
Dang they benched dude for two games
Discovering through the miracle of football that the quiet coyote symbol we use to calm preschoolers is also used by the Grey Wolves to salute Turkish fascism
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no part of this is not absolutely hilarious
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There’s a New Message for You in MyChart, Charlie Brown
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Step down for the birthday boys