
Do people not remember this?
Where and when did Biden promise to serve only one term?
Yeah but then he got Kamala Harris as VP because Obama likes her, but she has negative charisma so the whole "let's cultivate a new candidate" plan never went into motion.
Yup. Also because it was 2020 and Jim Clyburn seems to have made it a requirement.
It's very generationally fitting that there is no alternative candidate for the very fact that the older dems have made absolutely sure to hold onto their positions regardless of outcomes, popularity, or senility, and have thus stunted the development of anyone else that would replace them.
There were young alternatives in 2020 including Buttigieg, Gabbard, and Yang. They lost.
Two of those candidates are complete outsiders, and extremely unserious. (The actually serious one, who could definitely be president at some point, is also the one who took a position in the administration. Funny thing.)
Insiders tend to be older, so if that's important to you then you're already predisposed to vote against younger candidates.