
Do people not remember this?
Where and when did Biden promise to serve only one term?
I remember it, but it never got beyond that float. Same situation McCain dealt with in 2008 - they ran it back and voters were uncomfortable w a president who'd instantly be a lame duck
How much of the discomfort was due to having Harris as the heir apparent.
They had 4 years to bring up the next generation while Feinsteine fucking died and they dropped the ball. Its like they forgot they needed new blood.
as with many things involving anonymous quotes tho I'm guessing these "insiders" were not actually all that far inside
I don’t think that an immediate lame duck would have had quite the legislative wins of the last few years.
Yeah but then he got Kamala Harris as VP because Obama likes her, but she has negative charisma so the whole "let's cultivate a new candidate" plan never went into motion.
Yup. Also because it was 2020 and Jim Clyburn seems to have made it a requirement.
i remember a rumor that it was a gaff in a debate where he was supposed to promise a qualified POC as his running mate but oopsied and said woman of color and then he kinda got forced into picking Harris but idk how true that is 🤷
It's very generationally fitting that there is no alternative candidate for the very fact that the older dems have made absolutely sure to hold onto their positions regardless of outcomes, popularity, or senility, and have thus stunted the development of anyone else that would replace them.
There were young alternatives in 2020 including Buttigieg, Gabbard, and Yang. They lost.
Two of those candidates are complete outsiders, and extremely unserious. (The actually serious one, who could definitely be president at some point, is also the one who took a position in the administration. Funny thing.)
Anonymous leaks is not a promise.
would have worked if Harris had any juice
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Okay, but that article was about him *considering* making the pledge, and then he never made that pledge
I thought he should’ve made a one-term pledge in 2020, but I can’t remember anytime that he actually did so. I remember wanting him to make it
His campaign explicitly said they were not forgoing a second term. They did the exact opposite of this story.
The whole story was “prominent Biden advisers” saying in effect “we’re making this pledge but we can’t come out and make this pledge because of the political costs.”
This was nothing more than a float and it never went any further than that. It is really weird that people are wanting to hold Biden to something he never said and only anonymous people did.
Yea, I read the article at the time. I still wanted him to make a pledge, because a whisper-promise from anonymous senior advisers means jack shit.
I get the calculation that he didn’t want to be a lame duck on day 1, but if he didn’t make a promise not to run for another term… then he didn’t make a promise not to run for another term
“Signals to aides” is not what you said. You said he made a pledge to the public.
No. No one remembers some dumb bullshit Ryan Lizza wrote.
And zero people holding this up as evidence of some alleged promise voted for Biden in the primary, much less voted for him based on this article.
“Signals to aides” is a far cry from publicly saying you’d only serve one term.
Endless run of Mark Corriganisms
I can’t imagine who would take this seriously. Every president runs for reelection.
His staff made sure that the message was out there in the press, but you won’t find Biden saying it ever. It was a dirty, dirty trick.
It was clever messaging at the time. And if he were 40 to 20 years younger, he could slimeball politician his way out of it. He was shattered by Beau's death. Trump's a real danger, and our president is an experienced winner familiar with this particular foe he faces. "He was too prepped."
We got Joe Biden, but we needed Joseph Robinette Biden tonight.
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
One thing Biden is weirdly good at is the "Well shucks gang, that didn't go so well" day-after performance
Every obstacle the Democrats are facing right now is a self inflicted wound, and the unwillingness of their supporters to realize this is the worst part of it all
Avatar this was I was talking about 😀
Yeah. Sigh. I dunno. I wish to christ he had stuck to that. But he didn't. And frankly, I think if anyone could lose to Trump, it might be Kamala Harris.
I'm speaking as a Brit so probably completely wrong, my opinion of American Politics is that the nearer you get to the top the more important it is to still be a white male. Obama was still at least a guy and a charismatic one at that. The damning truth is I don't think the US is ready for a woman.
BINGO. This MIGHT have been the year we MIGHT have GRUDGINGLY voted for a WHITE woman - and then, if & ONLY if she'd been the PERFECT one. (What's THAT? Fuck if I know. NOT Hillary Clinton.🙄) But a BLACK woman? Absolutely not. Our only chance for that is if Biden dies in office. Sad but true.
Obama was elected because he was the PERFECT Black candidate, & he ran the PERFECT campaign at the PERFECT moment. This country is RIDDLED with racism. Perhaps fatally so. I don't know if it'll EVER be diminished enough in my lifetime to see another Black man - let alone woman - elected President.
I’ll never forget that Patton Oswald tweet when Hillary lost. He said: Well, now we know. The US is more misogynist than it is racist. And it’s pretty fucking racist.
In the UK racism is still there throughout society but getting better, as for women leaders it always seems to play out that only bigoted fascist ones will do. Again not totally essential they're white as long as they're right of center enough. I think the next generation of voters will sort that.
So, unnamed sources in one Politico piece is someone making a pledge to not run for another term?🤷🏿‍♂️
Things change. The clinging to this Mendacious Orange Messiah, by the GQP is unprecedented. During the debate, he basically bragged on violating the Logan Act, and no one batted an eye.
Things do change, as should candidates when needed. This idea that only one man can beat Trump is lunacy