
We can save the country by electing a Democrat in Nov. But not Joe Biden. And his replacement has to be exactly who I have in mind---definitely not anyone else. Why is everyone so stupid and not following my easy plan?
Republicans will back Donald Trump no matter how heinous his behavior however one false move by Biden and under the bus he goes. I'm not a fan but we're pretty much stuck with him at this point. Stop the infighting and rally around the candidate that we have. The time to replace Biden has passed.
And what were lacking in a legal or political process to accomplish this, well make up for with vibes
We could declare an open convention and let the delegates vote for anyone they want instead of the candidates they represent but that is a desperate measure and may result in an even worse candidate it's really a crap shoot.
And who I have in mind is a secret. I won’t tell you who it is.
I mean, is this not the Democratic Party playbook? Find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at the worst possible time.
What if his replacement is a consensus candidate pledging to support the party platform and all the former rivals are turned into surrogates as part of the team?
There is a set of candidates who would do better against Trump. And, while I would prefer to choose the candidate myself, I understand there is an organization whose job it is to pick the best person from this set. This would have been easier 18 months ago, but it is not too late.
Surprised to see a prof of political science make claims based on vibes, not facts. What polls say Biden will lose? What polls changed after the debate? What process would remove a major party candidate chosen by voters 4 months before the election? Fed Soc is already gaming out legal challenges.