
People are very unhappy with most incumbents in major democracies. It will do us no good in the end if they lose, but Biden-Harris are in relatively good shape in comparison.
Exit polling suggests 410 seats for Labour and only 130 for the Tories, which “would be the worst defeat for the Conservatives in the nearly 200-year history of the party”
I think Biden's been a good president and (separately) the US economy has been better than most others....but fairly sure the difference in the US is the out-party chose to nominate a candidate everyone hates.
Cons leading the government for 14 years, and people turning around on Brexit, has been a major reason that is not particularly transferable to other countries.
We are in an existential crisis Mr Ladd. No where did our Founding Fathers foresee a President with a neurological disorder govern for four years and ignore a generation that is angry for being disenfranchised and treated like they do not belong here in these United States - Harris is not ready.
You sound like a fool. Biden has presided over the strongest economy in half a century. Quit whining
Sir, you know not of what you speak of. They [read] the Democrats have lied to the American people. Read: SARS-Cov-2.
What lies are you taking about?