
the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
"Lapse"... What about Trump's mental lapses. Jesus Christ. That supercut online of Trump forgetting everyone's names.. I guess that's okey doke with the
they do this after paragraph after paragraph about biden and keep trucking along after biden
"Voters have expressed concern about his age as well, but not to the same degree as Mr. Biden's." I wonder why that could be! Could what news outlets talk about have anything to do with it? I guess there's no way to know!🙃
Even left leaning does it. My fav podcast and the Daily Show this year did the same thing 'Biden's old' for 15 mins then mentions in one sentence 'I guess Trump is too'. Thanks for contributing to convince people not to vote for him with your large platforms, then wondering why he's unpopular.
Daily Show has *always* been a vehicle for this type of bothsidesism.
I know, I just had more faith that the bothsiderisms was equal 'they're old' time, not let's harp on one like everyone else is doing.