

Transplant from Texas to Seattle number 87357.
I'm a chaotic DM, but I'm planning on something truly chaotic in my next game. I'm not going to care about any dice rolls I make, if enemies hit will be based on how I want the story to go and how my players are doing. It's my adventure, why should I listen to dice telling me to kill the wizard.
The last DnD 5e hardcover adventure is "going to be forwards compatible with One DnD". I find this crazy, all DnD adventures are compatible with all editions. It's make believe. I had a dream where I was having tea with my wife and then we were towing the moon, everything can go together!
American's are worried about the fall of U.S. democracy, but only want to compare it to Germany. I feel like we probably should look at S. American countries for examples. First there are more of them, and second they have gone back an forth, and getting back to democracy would be useful.
Today I learned, a "hard and fast rule" is not a quick rule on the spot, but is actually a firm unchanging rule. Fast is being used in the sense of "hold fast" or "mountain fastness". I also suspect that this uncoupling will lead the the phrases meaning subtly changing.
I'm a pale boy from Texas, and it wasn't till I discovered Tilly hats that I realized wide brimmed hats could be comfortable and reasonably priced. Cowboy hats are exclusively used by wanna be's from out of state trying to act tough, so they aren't any good outside of clubbing.
All the various AI tools seem like a complete bait and switch right now. Chat GPT pro costs 20 bucks a month for a halfway decent thing. I bet a company could spin up part time jobs at minimum wage with just a bunch of people sitting at their computer answering questions. Better outputs for sure
I'm listening to 's sandman audiobooks, and I strongly suspect but can't confirm that he's read Simone de Beauvoir's "All Men are Mortal". I read that book last year, and it's very helpful when thinking about the world of Sandman.
I didn't believe that this place was overrun by furry art, but the official b-sky feed is close to a majority furry art, so I was wrong. (No shame on artists who want to do that, just not a thing I want to see every time I look at a feed).
You know what's fun? Explaining to people that links from the Daily Wire are not great sources for things. Then having a long long discussion about political discourse and what's acceptable sourcing. Great way to spend a day. (This is sarcasm, I'm very tired and it's only 10am)
Shit-posting for the day: Do all Audi's come with broken turn signals and a filter that hides where crosswalks are, or is it an extra that almost everyone buys?
Over the last decade or so I've seen more and more trendy folks wearing shoes without socks and I just have to ask why? Socks are pretty cheap, and every time I put on new socks my feet feel great. I've never felt like footwear's biggest problem was having to get socks.
I'm feeling contrarian today, so I'm going to give a strong shout out to auto-drip coffee. I make sure the thing is clean, and I use good grounds, and it's a very good cup of coffee that I can have made automatically in the morning for me.
After years of riding a hybrid bike, I'm now pretty sure they're not the best bike to get for a new rider. They're fine, and mostly do the job, but with the rise of low geared gravel bikes with very wide tires, and ebikes, the hybrid bike's value proposition isn't as good. They can be cheap though
Today is bike lesson day. Specifically, lessons I had to learn when I decided to start riding my bike to work in Seattle after not riding since I was a kid.
I like A.O.C, but before she won office I was nicely hidden by the various algorithms boosting congressman Joe Crowley. Gonna be weird coming out into the sun. , or anyone who knows about podcasting, question about the minutiae of podcast ad spots: When companies buy them how long do they have the slot? Is it forever required to be part of the episode, or could the episode be re- released later with a different ad?
I avoided Twitter like the plague, got off Facebook years ago, and never touched any of the newer socials. Happy to have the invite code but man, they must be letting anyone in. Hi bluesky
End of feed.