

Transplant from Texas to Seattle number 87357.
To be fair there was, he managed to get all twitter users to have to ask themselves how many is too many nazis. If you'd asked them in 2018 they'd have said way fewer than they now think.
Important question, how skippable are the stones?
I was trying to find jobs that it wouldn't be true for, but between the climate junk and giving CEO's lots of power it'll get just about everyone.
Ironically the analyst doesn't factor in the best chance for it, hyperinflation. It's very unlikely but if we just have 10,000% percent inflation then lots of companies will be worth big numbers
The vibe is definitely slightly underdone frozen hamburger with too much ketchup and microwaved french fries.
I want what social media promised me, but I keep getting what they actually have.
It's been three weeks so to all the pundits writing about Biden's age at this point: We know. Everyone has basically filtered into two groups, those who don't give a shit, and those who do who are largely powerless. At this point you're making the powerless anxious, nothing else, so time to stop.
I generally prefer the simple American version of phrases, but "indelible" is so much better than permanent.
It's worth noting that part of this is them either checking ads for messages that would play poorly "crosshairs", "looking down", "grab him by the ear". They also need to record new stuff to go after the violence. Assuming they get back on air soon they'll have disguised a revamp as the high ground
Idk, it's very relieving in some ways. I'll do 20
I've got a nasty cold so when I do my deep breaths I often cough violently. Good news, doing more than 5 deep breaths, bad news, takes a while in between
I mean, that was the revolution, to make racism and classism mainstream again
I was (foolishly) trying to comment on some of the more panicked takes but then I read "and with an energetic handsome man like jd Vance on the ticket". I realized I cannot fix that kind of problem through words.
I hate how perfectly you've captured him. I also hate that I now know exactly how many of him I've met in my life.
I enjoy DnD, but I'm realizing kids have it right, just play make believe and agree on your rules as a group. Plus kids run around when they play and I could use the cardio.
Played a game once as a Paladin and used lay on hands to revive a cleric who was so distraught that we killed his vampire son and burned his church that he jumped onto a rock to kill himself. DM: He's braindead but still alive and you're not a good person CHR: Following my oath
My uh... my character didn't give a shit about DNRs. Real Warhammer 40k "LAWFUL therefore good" energy
Oh they don't think he'll be president for 30 years. If they did he'd be... not around. They all think they'll be president for 30 years, that's why they are going in for it. If they go along with it it's because he seems the easiest to shove off the ladder on the way to the slide.
Guy needs to read "The Storm before the Storm" by Mike Duncan, or just read anything about the period right before Caesar's civil war. It's literally a bunch of elite conservatives trying to do what he wants to do.
Got followed by a Trump bluesky account. Didn't have that in my bingo card.
I'm weirdly in love with my surface pro as my personal laptop. Light and is a laptop. Then again my work laptop is a beefy macbook pro M3 chip so I don't need my personal laptop to do anything special
I mean you know it, but the rhetorical "This is not who we are" isn't there because it doesn't happen, but exists to signify "this is not who we want to be"
Stats nerd thought: in my experience a random user who posts on this site has (loosely) a 50% chance of being Trans. If at assume Trans people can be jerks at about the same rate as cis people then you'd expect a block list to be about 50% (loosely) Trans as well.
Yeah so in the show the owner sees their neighbors shrug as they walk by with dog poop and fast food bags and shrug as they toss it in. His next door neighbor literally wheels up the trash bin and just dumps it all in. Cut to him "well that's not nice"
They're driving along and the car next to them rolls down the window to toss a half eaten burrito in the back
I have a running joke idea for a sitcom: people just dump trash in open truck beds and convertibles. It brings me joy to imagine a cyber truck owner walking out to his car, seeing trash all over it and going "dang it forgot to close the trunk again! "
(Sarcasm) and they say transitioning can cause irreversible harm! Little did they know talking on bluesky is all you needed to transition right back.
Hallelujah gave me a great memory though. I went to a church in Germany and they had this angelic looking kids choir singing it. Didn't have the heart to tell anyone in there why I was laughing on my way out.