
American's are worried about the fall of U.S. democracy, but only want to compare it to Germany. I feel like we probably should look at S. American countries for examples. First there are more of them, and second they have gone back an forth, and getting back to democracy would be useful.
We aren't really like Weimar Germany, we're older than 15 years, didn't just lose a world war and have a huge indemnity to pay. We also weren't a brand new empire formed from the union of a number of kingdoms 60 years before. There are lessons to be learned, but we can't follow that path.
We are a new world country with massive inequality, a defined identity that has to incorporate a number of ethnic and national groups. We have a constitution that's being pushed at by strong men and demagogues.
Given the theocratic role the court is carving out for itself there’s plenty of resemblance to Iran as well…..which is hardly an upgrade
To be fair, we (in Germany) also kinda got back to democracy but I'd prefer you guys not go through it like that. But even in europe, France had gone from democracy to dictatorship/monarchy and back like 3 times
Yeah, the route Germany took to get back to democracy is... unpleasant. Sorry for bombing just so so much of ya'lls stuff. France is an excellent example. I'm just a little tired of constantly referencing the Weimar republic as if it's the only time a republic ever fell.
South American countries were invaded by the U.S. and their democratically-elected leaders killed.
Some were, I think it's a stretch to assume all of them became autocratic due to direct US involvement, but my understanding is also limited. It's hard to suss out what would have happened if the US wasn't around, but still seems worth a read.
Though I think my point stands pretty well if we're worried about Republicans interfering with elections to lead to an autocratic outcome. Worth seeing what happens when the US does that
Yeah, installing Pinochet was warm up for what’s happening here. It’s what happens we don’t jail any of the architects of such coups, and allow them to continue to have influence.