Bene Gesserit Social Club

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Bene Gesserit Social Club

Psychologist, Political Organizer, and general goober.
Broke: Twister (1996) is a bad movie. Woke: Twister (1996) is a solid RomCom.
Spending Friday like it's my 20's (watching a Nicholas Cage movie and thinking about Shrek).
Kendrick Lamar previewed this feature earlier this year!
Under the new D&D rules, a level 20 bard can cast Power Word Kill. 10/10 flavor. If Weird Al Yankovic told me I sucked, I would die of shame on the spot.
"I'm so tired of manually sealing all these stem bolts." Nog:
Google .com Is Cody Rhodes a member of the Wu Tang Clan 🤼
You think they'll stop making jorts when John Cena retires? 🤼
John Cena stands on a table: "We have caught and compromised to a permanent end, the Tory Government"
Independence Day (1996) is like Crash (2004) but badass.
Kahless tells us rain makes a hole in stone not by violence, but by falling often. The power of persistence should never be undervalued. If your goal is not met, do not give up, for if mighty stone can be cracked eventually, so too can you find victory.
What does The Container Store store its supply in? Who watches the watchmen?
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Do not allow words directed against you to become your burden. You have enough weight on your shoulders already -- don't let those who wish you ill encumber you with more.
Just get through this week and it'll be fine, you know like Sisyphus.
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Allow yourself to celebrate even the smallest of victories in the face of adversity. Don't snuff out a light because it is not bright enough. Nurture it, and fight to make it grow until the shadows retreat. Even the greatest beacons may be lit with the smallest spark.
Mad Max Fury Road is so good I wish Australia was real.
Recall a time when someone came to your aid, stood up for you, showed you an unexpected kindness. Hold on to those memories, for they are dear. Strive every day to make someone else feel the way you did in that moment.
Green team now has three points. The crowd are a writhing mass of malicious joy. The green fans are planning to kill and eat a blue fan after the game. To the victor go the spoils.
Given that we're on our second Hary Kim he's the Duncan Idaho of Voyager.
#StarTrek Voyager, S7E14: A group of inbred Klingon zealots are convinced that B'Elanna's baby is the Lisan al-Gaib, and they're right. Neelix meets a robust Klingon lady and it awakens something in him. Harry hides in the Jeffery's tubes to avoid getting laid. 8/10 basically Dune with Klingons
I'm not saying The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is a good movie, but I appreciate that they kill a lot of Nazis in it.
Harry Kim when he inevitably learns it wasn't a humanitarian mission.
#StarTrek Voyager, S7E8: It has come to Harry Kim's attention that he hasn't had a promotion in 7 years, and now he thirsts for power. Icheb suspects that B'Elanna and Tom are trying to lure him into a threesome. Harry demonstrates why he's never getting promoted 5/10 Shepard Book is in this one
Internet access in America is basically this.
Janeway solves the trolley problem by adding Tuvix and Borg Drones to the track.
#StarTrek Voyager, S7E01: Borg Queen: Help me quash the Borg resistance or I'll kill them all by blowing up my own ships at random Janeway: ... Is that supposed to be a compelling threat because I'm okay with that outcome
And then Voyager ended and we never heard from them again.
#StarTrek Voyager, S6E26: Janeway decides to pull a hilarious prank on the Borg Queen by deliberately letting herself, B'Elanna, and Tuvok get assimilated. Lol. That Janeway. She's such a scamp.