DM used to mean dungeon master

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DM used to mean dungeon master

The fact that autocorrect changes I to ai proves we have some time left before the robot takeover. Oh, wait…
Anyone know when getting cancelled got cancelled itself? Idiots spouting off or having a grainy picture from a decade ago used to get the hook, permanently. Now, every moron with a mic or teleprompter is getting promoted, elected, appointed, or exonerated.
Borg but it’s just positive connections with others
I don't know why everyone wonders at what the U.S. has become. Four generations of money at ANY cost self-selects for psychopathy. It is a machine that makes and rewards monsters.
Grilled cheese, but it’s just you and I playing good cop, bad cop, interrogating a wheel of cheddar under a bare lightbulb
Let me save you some time. Hardware stores and strip clubs do not, in fact, sell the same hoes.
This widowmaker was a chore today. Enjoying a Guinness to celebrate the accomplishment. For reference, at 6’3”, I could stand under it where the two closest limbs propped it up in the foreground.
Be the loner who shows up to parties just to farticipate
Going to create a hand-delivered, curated, daily periodical that requires integrity, fact-checking, avoids bias, and is intended to let you know precisely the state of things, both local and global. It will be called newsdrip, to appeal to the laboring class. Anyone have immense old growth forests?
Candidate, but it’s your first time meeting your new lover, who is brutally honest
Last time when I picked up 10ml vial of insulin at CVS it was $300. Now, thanks Biden, I guess.
Still working to clean up from Beryl. 13 tons of green waste felled, bucked and placed for FEMA to collect at the street. At least double to go. So fucking sore as a 50 year old desk jockey, but damn proud I’m not a drain on y’all like so many.
Grateful that as an able significant human (TM) I can remedy the damage from Beryl both on our land and that of our neighbors. Abbott and Patrick, as insignificant humans (TM) have categorically blocked federal aid for those without power, food, or potable water. I have no energy left to hate.
We put significant effort into our two-like skeets, Janet.
AI, but it’s just trillions of dollars invested to make the individual human worthwhile
Sin city is just short for synchronicity
Our mouser has a brain injury from her latest bout with the alpha raccoon at the back of our property. He’s easily 5 times her size. Now she just plays with the mice but doesn’t eliminate them. Instead, she’s murdered squirrels and birds on a two or more a day pace. Saving on cat food, but still.
Standing on the street corner defending Cathode Ray Tubes but getting yelled at by inbreds regardless
Suddenly you are subscribed to the New York Grimes, but it’s just a glam rag dedicated to justifying Elon being himself. Oh, wait
These same people would be devout if the priest just farted in their mouths instead of the wafer
Bluesky surviving going publicly available and persisting is me in the lounger clapping for the quartet as the Titanic sinks. “Fuck yeah, Girl! Play that shit!”
Imagine just how wonderful the world would be if you were the least intelligent and wise person on the entire planet. cook and eat your neighbor
Bluesky is absolute zingers for a single like and then we are orgasmic. Two likes? Fuck off, this isn’t your vibe.
As soon as I find my suspenders, it’s over for you britches
All these people squawking about the hurricane like they’re Beryl Crow
If you feel represented by either candidate, you are the problem.