
One of the dumbest lines from this whole thing: "If they can do it to him they can do it to you" The United States prosecutes more people than any other country on the face of planet Earth...we "do it to you" almost every minute of every day
What’s particularly wild about this is that our criminal punishment system is the subject of sooooooooo much television. There are a billion cop shows and people cannot get enough of them
People LOVE punishment, they just like to feel like it is justified
I mean I have been very happy since I heard the news, I can’t lie 😭
I don't really celebrate these kinds of things, but I get it...I am certainly no fan of DJT
They've convinced me to not pay hush money for sex after my third wife gave birth to my fifth child and fuck I'm too tired to even finish typing his whole deal out
LOL, yeah, that is the other reason it is a silly thing to say....nobody else in the history of forever did what he just got convicted of (...except for the guy who used to work for him..I guess)
Yes but the USA does it more to people of color. " the ongoing racial injustice of prisons, where the national incarceration rate of Black people is six times the rate of white people and more than twice the rate in every single state."
Updated charts show the magnitude of prison and jail racial disparities, pretrial populations, correctional control, and Updated data visualizations illustrate the scale of — and disparities within — mass incarceration.
One of the first lines of the first episode of my podcast that ran for 7 years was that "you would have to be willfully blind to walk into a prison or jail in America and not be overwhelmed with the racial disparity"
True that and we are not mentioning the outrageously racist police folk who seem to want to kill with their bare hands! Wrong apartment and guns blazing, imaginary threats behind that darker skin tone. OVER this ignorant BS.
Yes, but it really resonates with his base of deeply in debt small business tyrants using company funds to pay off their mistresses.
If "you" had overtly threatened the judge's family or the jury, the contempt hearing would've had one thrown into Rikers for a few weeks.
Oh I am (check my profile)
An hour long meeting with our local board of elections to explain where $300 worth of campaign sign money came from. It was my campaign, it was my personal money. Had to show all the receipts IN ADDITION TO the campaign finance disclosure forms I already filed. They 100% "do it to you" already.