
In the past 3 weeks, the Biden admin has extended overtime pay for 4 mil workers, moved to cancel student debt for 25 mil borrowers, banned non-competes, banned drilling on 13 mil acres of AK wilderness, forced airlines to give refunds for delayed/ canceled flights and restored net neutrality.
And they signed a TikTok ban and a bill allowing warrantless surveillance.
This is a lie. TikTok isn't banned, Bytedance has to sell their shares.
This is a lie, Bytedance is banned from running TikTok
Also here is the ADL describing the strategy as employed to ban TikTok
TikTok - Make Your
Fffffffuck this guy. Holy shit. “Useful idiots.” My god. I guess it’s part of the opposites game we’re playing, where denouncing genocide is supposedly antisemitic, and being educated on an issue makes you a useful idiot.
It’s not technically banned, just being forced to sell to Steve Mnuchin’s investment group so that facebook stops getting its ass kicked in popularity.
Exactly, why ban when they can incorporate it into the US surveillance state and far right propaganda pipeline, because young people don't want the slop that Meta, Google, and Musk try to force on them.
I’m choosing to believe this is all being orchestrated by Snapchat to stage a comeback
Why are you weird
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There's a genocide, Joshua
There has been for nearly 70 years. Acting like Biden is the sole person responsible, or that it only started Oct 7th, shows that people don't ACTUALLY care. It's just a Big Ticket to argue about to prove you're Better Than The Other Leftists.
See, unfortunately there are protests going on right now over it, and it's getting the same care the BLM protests were getting. The protesters will be beaten and arrested until they stop protesting and nothing will change because they don't actually care what you want.
And as it stands, it's a non-issue for voting purposes because both sides support it violently. So I'd rather do what protects people here rather than play at "voting third party to prove a point to the candidate" and let the right in, who has very vocal plans on what they want to do.
I've been protesting against Israeli occupation for decades but ok 😂
interestingly, Palestinians turn out to be fully human like you and me. so it matters whether u commit mass murder even if its on them
He didn't single handedly end all strife in the Middle East in a fell swoop.
I do think he deserves plenty of criticism for this policy area. It's just ridiculous to think he has the power to fully constrain Israel's extreme-right gov and to ignore all the rest.
He can't "fully constrain" the extreme right wing government, but let's not pretend he has zero influennce, and he doesn't have to go out of his way to give them all the munitions they want, either.
Nobody I know pretends that we have zero influence.
Which means nothing if you're earning $2.13 an hour waiting tables in Texas. While our state Supreme Court gives our politicians community service for felonies. Biden left us behind and doesn't care about poor people. We didn't contribute enough to his campaign. Poverty is a policy choice.
Listen. It doesn't matter how much good he does domestically if he's actively supporting (arming and financing) a genocide. If you don't (or won't) understand that, you aren't worth listening to.
Still hasn’t raised the minimum wage, met his laughably small promise of $10k debt forgiveness or free community college, signed more offshore drilling permits than Trump in just his first years, (not to mention the tens of millions of acres signed away in the IRA), the ALASKA LNG and Willow deal?
And today
WASHINGTON (AP) — US drug control agency is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in a historic shift, AP sources say.
Yes but he hasn't personally stopped a war on the other side of the world dating back to ancient times.
I'd settle for him refraining from arming one of the participants
Me too. But I also understand this means a a big departure from decades of US and global foreign policy toward Isreal. This doesn't mean I don't want it to change. But it's a lot to untangle. No way we can politically fund Ukraine, rn and not Isreal. That sucks. But it's reality.
If that's the reality, what's he doing to change it? Is he endorsing Squad members in primaries when they face attack ads from AIPAC? What's his plan to shift the political landscape in the long run? I think he doesn't have one, because he actually just sucks on this issue.
Which, you know, is what it is. I'm still going to vote for him in November, because he's the least-bad option (not that it matters in NY, of course). But let's be real.
yes. he strongly supported summer lee here in pa12 as she faced an aipec-funded challenger in the primary.
Some of those labor rules are intentions still in active commentary phase. The non-competes will need to go thru SCOTUS. It's nice that he's trying but if you look at the history none of this is going to happen at the suggested numbers. Sorry to point that out, the headlines did sound nice.
But if he's so great why don't we have full communism yet? Gotcha!
Exactly. That's why he's better than the terrible guy. Doesn't make him not a horrible guy "Biden faces pressure from Republicans to speak out on college protests" reads an ABC headline. Seems outside the window of possibility that he might speak in defense of the protestors (even if he disagrees)