
"I'm going to be honest with you, your honor," one defendant said. "I'm not doing too great." "The future is going to be there," Judge Merchan said. "And you're going to be ready for it." A heart-warming look at Judge Merchan's Wednesdays presiding over Manhattan mental-health court.
When the crowd leaves Trump's hush-money trial, the judge spends his day in a very different kind of When he's not overseeing former President Donald Trump's hush-money trial on Wednesdays, the judge presides over Manhattan's mental health court.
What is depressing is how little the program is after so long. And I assume the NYPD and the mayor are completely opposed to expanding it.
It’s most likely about both the police and the DAs. I have first hand experience in a different county, and these are the people holding us back from expansion. Or even more awareness of what we do.
Oh! And the biggest reason why LA county has a system like this for diversion is Jackie Lacey agreed to it.
Wow thank you for sharing 🙌🏻
Contrast this with the drumbeat you've heard about Judge Mershan.
Putting a judge with experience in dealing with mental health issues in charge of a mentally challenged defendent like Deranged Donnie makes sense now.