
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
Avatar Thank you for all your library advocacy, always!
I assumed that my local library commission was all set given where I live aaaaand turns out there are three unfilled seats 👀 looking forward to this convo!
yes please join us. These seats are so important even in 'blue' towns/cities/municipalities.
So excited for this. Trying to figure out a plan of action/organizing for myself/my kids/a youth org in support of libraries starting this fall… I’m tired of celebrating working our way back to the funding levels we already had. It’s a scam, imho! “Expansive vision” is exactly what it is time for…
Are you still in NYC? If so, I'm inviting people who are interested to a meeting on 7/27 to discuss what we can do re: NYC-based public library organizing to be much less reactive. You're invited if in town and interested.
Yes (still in NYC), and yes please (to these connections)! I’m possibly out of town on the 26th, but would come back early for this conversation on the 27th. I owe libraries SO MUCH. Fighting for them makes sense on both personal and societal levels.
Curious about this. Thank you for sharing!!