
I have been reading you for years, and I can’t believe you just posted “people accused of doing a Bad Thing willing shared internal documents they chose, those documents show no evidence of them doing the Bad Thing, so I guess it didn’t happen.”
If this story had been “Trump Org releases internal emails, none of them discuss stealing classified documents, so it looks like he didn’t steal internal documents” you would have laughed at it.
Sure, they tried to hire the actress, then they tried to hire her again two days before launch, then on the day of the launch the founder tweeted the title of her famous role associated with the product, but the company says there’s no email! You must acquit.
But, John, we are very special smart boys! Smarter than everyone else! You have to let us do our very special smart boy things or the world* will end and also we will yell and cry and become fascists!** *our total and unjust economic supremacy **we are already fascists who talk too much