nernie dangers

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nernie dangers

I Buried Myself Alive For A Week! Enjoy watching me suffer
God help me I am looking forward to the next shyamalan movie. but based on the trailer the twist will have to be that the guy is just a normal guy after all.
Longlegs is pretty good, although unintentionally funny at times and probably explains too much
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
When you’re absolutely f̶̧̘͙̤̞̹͆̅̿̊̽̓͑̒ȅ̴͉̚è̶̙̦͈̞̙͜l̸̤̼̯̱̯͑̋̈́͐̑͝į̵̥̳̭̪̝̻͚̌̓̅͆n̶̫̭͕͙̉̿̑ͅ’̴̗̱̯̼͓͇͔̀̀̍̓̊̐̊͆͌ ̸̛͓̖͈̺̱͗͂̍͆̇̕͝͠g̴͚͖͍̱͆́̅͊̈͐̿͜ͅř̷̛̞̪̳̞̞̟e̸̙̪͓̋͌ä̶͔́̅̊̍̆̾͝͝t̵̘̦̱̹̺͍͙͚̺̋̃͘
how many movies am i going to let studio movie grill ruin just because it’s cheaper. quite possibly all of them.
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
didnt he literally have a diet coke button installed in the oval office
Based on the angles involved I’d have to say that if a bullet actually grazed trump’s ear it would also have gone through his head
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
this was a quote of her from yesterday. the sentiment is wrong because Covid is now so contagious no country has been able to stop circulation with NPIs. barring new breakthrough science, Covid will be with us forever and so vaccination is by far the most important protective step to take:
people will say anything on here. "vaccines should be a last resort." no, they shouldn't. that isn't true
The End of Zero Until omicron came along, the shutdowns of a Zero COVID policy were the best way to stop the disease’s spread. Now, more than ever, it’s the vaccines and antivirals that make the difference.
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
are there screenshots? yes, brother, there are screenshots.
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
this needs to be in every attack ad
not really sure that choosing the authoritarian oaf for vice-president really does much to distance the campaign from project 2025’s “government by authoritarian oaf” vision
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
lmao, off the charts rhetoric
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
When I heard Cannon dismissed the case, my first thought was "why would she do that before double jeopardy attached?" and the obvious answer is that she's not very bright.
the thing about cannon is that, repeatedly, she's shown that she doesn't have a strategic bone in her body, everything she's done for trump has been clumsy, reckless and likely easy to reverse
Inside every person there are two zendayas
a second Zendaya in a suit has hit Wimbledon
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
The assassin thought trump should resign because he’s too old
I mostly remember demolition ranch as a channel where a guy sees if a bullet can destroy a cube of titanium (it can’t) but if it’s a right wing thing that does track
I’m doing some OSINT, as I look out my window it appears to be morning
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
Frankly I and all the other liberals at the hipster coffee shop think it’s terrible that somebody tried to assassinate the vaccinator in chief, Donald Trump. Sure some lunatics say the vaccines have killed a lot of people, but I trust Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Reposted byAvatar nernie dangers
Saw a dude driving his tesla with his only visible license plate being on his front dashboard and I’ve never been so tempted to call 911 out of sheer pettiness. License plates are definitely the thing I am completely insane and authoritarian about. I wish I could ticket plate hiders myself.
i hope it’s a qanon guy who’s mad about vaccines, that would be perfect
Bernie Sanders is impressed by Joe Biden’s vigor and youth
Important developments
In a new hope we mostly see aliens and dudes in spacesuits but in the phantom menace it becomes clear there’s a distinctive ethnic tatooinian costume of rough wool-like fabrics and peaked caps
Ok master yoda, this is my first time hearing about this fear leads to anger stuff, but go ahead and jump down my throat about it 🙄
In a new hope we mostly see aliens and dudes in spacesuits but in the phantom menace it becomes clear there’s a distinctive ethnic tatooinian costume of rough wool-like fabrics and peaked caps
Qui gonn wanted to die at the hands of darth maul. All his gambling on tatooine was going to bury him in paperwork anyway
Nobody talks about how often Watto uses “thee”. It implies galactic basic is sort of like spanish