Jamie Bowden

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Jamie Bowden


Just a guy who occasionally takes pictures.

System and network administrator. Info Sec is also a thing I do

Because some of you need a refresher: One man: Son of a bitch. Multiple men, same mother: Sons of a bitch. Multiple men, different mothers: Sons of bitches! Bumpuses!
Somehow I ended up on the mailing list for a Masonic Lodge in one of the rural bits of the UK. If you think these people are the illuminati and part of some grand conspiracy to run the world, you're going to be extremely disappointed in the ever so dull reality.
The wonders of the Soviet Bloc are what the cultists following Felonious Shitzinpants think they want, because they're positive they'll never be the ones being carved up while still breathing. They will still be screaming about owning the libs while being filetted, so let's not do that.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Bowden
Felix sat through the band’s entire new album, and a few of the radio hits, impatient for them to play the old school stuff. Then he heard the familiar bass line start, feeling the rumble deep down in his belly. Finally, it was time to get into the mosh pit and fuck some shit up.
Also, just to fuck with people today, I stared at the eclipse with my left eye sans glasses. Most of the people in my daily life are unaware I'm blind in that eye.
I did a little work on the best shot I could pull from my phone. Lightroom is your friend.
Not a great shot, but not terrible considering I took it through the light cloud cover with my phone.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Bowden
Did you feel the EARTH MOVE this morning? That is but a TASTE of MY POWER. If MY DEMANDS are not met within the next 72 HOURS, then I shall BLOT OUT THE SUN. The clock is ticking.
This is amusing, but seriously, the islands are a semi colon, how the hell do you not spot this?
Thanks to the first volume of Michael Palin's diaries, I recently discovered the glory of one of the greatest travel pieces in British publishing history. In early April 1977, The Guardian published a 7-page travel supplement on this "little-known" island nation... (1/)
Drop a ship that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
Drop a ship that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek. (So many ways that could be spun, but I'll play it as it lays.)
This is going to sound harsh, but the anti vaccine idiots that have infested the fringes of the left and the right will not change their minds until they start burying their children due to the vaccine preventable diseases they don't believe are dangerous.
Supposedly it's Leap Day, yet I see no leaping from anyone.
So for those of you who weren't alive when Ronny Ray-gun was president, you may not be aware that the punk scene was full of neo Nazi shitheads at that time. The best way to engage with them was to grab your skateboard by one of the trucks, and club then with it until they shut the fuck up. 1/2
I've always preferred small, nimble, fun to drive cars. I love my VW GTI, but I'm also very aware that if I'm ever in an accident, they'll likely have to use it as my coffin since you'd need a can opener to get my remains out.
Apparently the Chefs won the Souper Bowl?
I haven't been on a flight in fifteen years that wasn't overbooked and packed solid. For the first time in what seems like forever, I have a row to myself.
Greetings from Boston Wolverine Intl airport. Soon I shall once again take to the skies.
Flying through the terminator is always kind of cool. It's a little surreal, but definitely nifty.
I am literally posting from an airplane in a sky of blue. The future definitely has its good parts.
Guess I'm not handing those out. We should get to keep them as reminders for so long as the platform exists.
I'm just a contractor, but I deployed to support assets in the field. These idiots don't have the first fucking clue. I liken it too that episode of ST:TNG with the idiot colonists thinking they're going to fight the Shelliac, who will just drop ordinance on them from orbit and wipe them out.
Conservative Americans are ironically the ones who underestimate the unfathomable power of our military, precisely because they don't have any idea what it's like to be on the receiving end of it.
My backyard this morning as I was leaving to go to work.
UDF has only been a defined standard since 1995 and hasn't changed since 2005. Of course Linux doesn't support it yet.
Happy Ho Ho Ho you bunch of wacky weirdos.
Reposted byAvatar Jamie Bowden
Reluctantly crouched At the starting line Parsley Sage Rosemary and thyme