
It may or may not affect the outcomes a week from now, but the front républicain, in the form of tactical withdrawals from the second round, seems to be holding. More withdrawals by the left, too, which means Macron might end up with something to bargain with after Sunday.
Législatives 2024 : qui sera candidat au second tour après les désistements ? Suivez le décompte en temps ré Selon les chiffres du « Monde » à 20 heures, 179 candidats arrivés troisièmes ont renoncé à déposer leur candidature, 133 triangulaires sont toujours prévues. La clôture des candidatures aura lieu mar...
And it has a good track, & French voters are really good in understanding “les triangulaires” PS: I translate Les triangulaires as strategic voting. Not sure if there is a better translation
That’s one way to build a sense of national unity…
I mean. The most likely outcome is now a hung parlement.
Which is a whole lot better than the alternative of a FN majority