
I have noticed a remarkable correlation between “veterans who were file clerks” and “being loud mouthed violent MAGAs.” I’ve also known a bunch of people with extremely serious combat experience who are committed progressives and leftists.
They also generally assume that combat vets will side with them too. Fun fact: Every single vet I know who's a fascist was a fucking file clerk or something who might've touched a weapon once a year and has no idea how to use it in real world conditions
My idiot brother whose service consisted of "trying to blow up a Walmart near Ft Hood with a howitzer" is super gung ho military rah rah maga. My friend's kid who is an Army Ranger is super lefty.
I’ve met a left wing former Seal Team guy
you take this whole oath, you see, and the smarter ones take it seriously
If you take it seriously (I certainly did), it's also not an obligation of which you are ever free.