Agnew Respector

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Agnew Respector

Fake wiki box extraordinaire
*taps the sign* “Win elections” is necessary. “Win all the elections” is not happening.
this line of argument continues to baffle me. “just win every election” can’t be the sum total of the Democrats’ court strategy.
Hadn’t written much about the Sotomayor question—why recapitulate what @mehdirhasan already wrote when I could just retweet him. But now that the Soto-stans are out there encouraging her to stay on the court as long as she wants, it’s a new day.
The Embarrassingly Weak Case For Sonia Sotomayor To Stick It Even when it's made with purpose, it unravels quickly.
The dude bragged about overturning Roe. His most devoted backers are plotting a Handmaid's Tale future. And you're just gonna print these comments verbatim, with no context?!?!
Some good delusion going on at the Democratic Party
Using the RBG debacle as a guide (and Murphy's Law), this is probably going to happen if we run it back with Sotomayor in a Trump II presidency
Sotomayor should retire. The tiniest chance of Trump picking her replacement is unacceptable. 60 years of diabetes means a stroke or heart attack will happen someday soon. Maybe not tomorrow, but it happened to Scalia who was healthy.
JUST win every election. My god, why didn’t the democrats think of this?
this line of argument continues to baffle me. “just win every election” can’t be the sum total of the Democrats’ court strategy.
End of feed.