

Retired teacher; I keep busy between gardening & my 2 rescue pups. I have 1 foot in very blue California and the other in very red Idaho. In Idaho I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
#FridayPurple Lisa Walton from Australia was visualizing "sound" when she created this quilt. It looks to me like she pieced long vertical strips into the background & sound vibrations. Then enhanced the vibrations with free motion quilting.
#ThursdayGreen I don't have the entire name of this quilter. All I could see is: Ann E. T. . . .? I figure that better than saying "quilter Unknown." The bright green in this quilt pops right out! And, it's just a fun design, to boot.
#PinkWednesday I just love the flowers in her hair! The info sheet on this quilt is a bit blurry. I think it says that this quilt was made by: Northern California Quilt Council.
#TuesdayBlue I think you will like this one! The simplicity, which is not very simple, is breathing. Less, truly IS more. (Quilter Unknown)
Is any one can tell me how to get rid of those grid marks on a picture after I crop it; I'd be grearful. I have a Samsung phone.
🤗 I'm excited about another week of fishing by a lovely mountain lake. Ie: there will be a week of minimal quilt postings. But, I'll be enjoying the peace & quiet of a mountain retreat! (We do this over the 4th to get our dogs away from the war zone outside.
#ColorfulMonday This quilt by Margaret Gunn is an exceptional work of fiber arts. I have attached the exhibition information. Margaret was recovering from surgery when she was working on this piece. The design is original and it is machine quilted.
Sunday Baking Continues! This Sunday I made 4 loaves of banana bread, with pecans both inside and on top! It was from an old Best of Sunset cookbook. I thought it was pretty good and I would make it again.
#SundayYellow (Better late than never.) Right about now, I think, this quilt expresses what a lot of us are feeling. (Quilting artist unknown)
#RubySaturday I do not have the name of the talented quilter who created this southwestern quilt, but I just love the details on kokopelli's hair. Then there's the surprised expression on the rabbit's face which draws your attention back to the kokopelli. Enjoy!
Here's what MAGA was told. As you know I have Republican relatives. And, as you know a black/Asian woman president is their worst nightmare.
#FridayPurple If you know anything about quilting At All, you will know that this quilt by Ann Zemke is a masterpiece. This quilt was made totally by hand. That means she did not use a sewing machine at all. Just 1 lady, with fabric, a needle, & thread created joy! (Please read the description.)
This quilt is by Linda Jensen from Hidden Valley Lake, Ca. I especially like how she created the asparagus and greens; they add nice texture to the quilt.
This quilt is by Linda Jensen from Hidden Valley Lake, Ca. I especially like how she created the asparagus and greens; they add nice texture to the quilt.
#PinkWednesday You want pink? Okay, here's pink! This is another design from the Guo Pei exhibit. Well: it is Pink!
#TuesdayBlue Today I pulled a peaceful quilt of pelicans swimming. I find the quilted water ripples impressive. I hope you enjoy Joy Palmer's work as much as I do. This was a photo her husband took & was printed on silk. Then Joy added the quilted details.
#ColorfulMonday Sometimes the quilts you see at the shows are surprising. I, personally, loved this quilt, but I bet there were others who found it pretty shocking. This one is done by Allyson Allen. 😊
Sunday Snickerdoodle Bars! These are easy & OH SO Good.
#SundayYellow The details on this yellow quilt are impressive. It reminds me of a tree of life motif. I took a close-up of the medallions because I was impressed by how round her circles were. Sadly, I did not save the name card to remember who this brilliant quilter is.
Question! What was the up-shot re: yesterday's Florida/ Cannon hearing; on whether Jack Smith was duly appointed? Has anyone heard anything?
#RubySaterday I thought this quilt by Kathryn was powerful. In the comments about her work she said that; Poverty is right there before us everyday, but it is hard to see. Really look at this one and consider her message.
Does this bring back memories?
Fishing Report! Tall Trees ✔️ Blue Skies check ✔️ Mosquitoes ✔️ Thunderstorms 🚫 Fishing ✔️ I hooked 8 fish. 2 were lip hooked so I released them. The fish ranged from 16 1/2 inches to 21 inches. This is a pic of the two I released. And that's Helen supervising the release.
#FridayPurple This is one of those quilts that tskes your breath away. This is the quilting equivalent of painting the Sistine Chaple. When I rounded the corner; this quilt stopped me in my tracks, awesome. 😳 Artist Unknown Laloofah! If you know who the artist is: please tell us.
#ColorfulMonday This quilt was made by Ann Horton of Redwood Valley, CA. Zoom in for thee details!
#SundayYellow I'll be off the grid again tomorrow so I'll post a quilt with yellow for Sunday today. I even saved the information on this one too. Enjoy.
#RubySaturday Another wonderful quilter stitching a study in red and white.
I'm going off the grid for a week. So, unless I go to town I'll be blissfully out-of-the-loop. Tall trees, blue skies, maybe a good thunderstorm, lots of fishing, and hopefully few mosquitoes are in my future. When I get back I'll post pix of my fishing adventures. Sophie loves to help me fish.