

Retired teacher; I keep busy between gardening & my 2 rescue pups. I have 1 foot in very blue California and the other in very red Idaho. In Idaho I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
He doesn't look well.
#PinkWednesday So Look closely, there is a blush of pink on the cheeks! This piece is named: Sisters/Best Friends. Sandra L Mollon from Valley Springs, CA is the artist. Look at those eyes, and the texture of the skin. This is a masterpiece.
Exactly That's what I was thinking.
Awe Sweet Bobby 👋
Who has trained whom? 🤭
He's gonna be a heartbreaker.
Got me The people that are far down the Fox rabbit hole, will not consider new information. It's hard to break through.
People know. They don't care.
Oh South of Coos Bay.
They don't care what he said before, as long as he kisses the ring now. And, he said he would have done what Pence wouldn't do.
I can only have 2 dogs. I only have 2 hands. You know if you pet 1, the other will bud in.
Vance is a MAGA favorite son.
And I bet he would have a lot to say.
When I'm done with my arbor; I'll go over to Half Moon Bay Nursery and pick some out.
My son said = that's ketchup. But it isn't. I'll find my recipe & send it to you.
It was The Luncheon of the Boating Party that stopped me in my tracks. It was hanging in the dining room, for God's sakes! And I couldn't get past the idea of having a tuna casserole and looking up at the Boating Party. 😳
I like to make tomato jam.
Steve; for the win!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I thought "looking glass" and mirror were the same. Do you mean like a telescope?
Been there. I still have my fingers.
There is ONE above the law! And until he is held accountable, that's all just hot-air.
But Those good memories last forever.