
AI-generated art (if you wanna call it that) is like Google Glass and the Metaverse. It’s not that most people don’t want it in their lives, they actually actively despise it. It’s a product that generates feelings of loathing rather than delight; dismay rather than joy.
Generating AI images is pretty fun though.
No, it's fucking not. It's soulless, boring, and I have much more fun DRAWING the picture. And I am both bad at drawing and don't really enjoy it. I put in a prompt one time to prove a point and fucking HATED it.
Yea I don't mean as art. I mean as a party game/novelty. Try sitting around with your friends coming up with random prompts.
It's a party game/novelty that is actively heating our planet
That article is about how data centers have high power/water consumption and AI energy use reporting is unregulated so we don't know the impact. It also says it's expected to diminish as the tech improves. And anyway, I'm running it on my own machine so it's irrelevant to my usage.
Again, I'm running AI on my local machine. It has nothing to do with the energy consumption of Google's data centers or any other tech company.
I highly doubt that. LLM and image modelers takes massive quantities of data to produce. I very highly doubt you're running it on your machine.
Doubt it all you want, but you don't know what you're talking about. It's very easy to run it locally. Centralization of AI is about content control, not lack of processing power.