
surely the biden admin and campaign team actively WANT to lose, right? not even 24 hours after calling trump a felon, something that is basically the freest shot ever, they choose to implement an unpopular trump policy so that a search of "biden trump" shows Yet Another L.
President Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to essentially block asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, a major shift in how the U.S. has historically handled claims for protection. Here’s how it will work.
How Biden’s Asylum Order The president issued an executive order that essentially blocks asylum claims at the southern border, a major shift in how the United States has handled claims for protection.
like this is just egregious optics (yes i'm saying it again) and terrible political strategizing, let alone the policy is abhorrent and unlikely to win any voters
In my experience no one has ever lost an election by being cruel to people who can't vote against them (sigh)
We either need more money (republicans have the house) or we need to limit how many come in at a time so we can not have the pile up. (And yeah young men + housing crisis = them blaming migrants )
if there's money for walls there's money for other things other than a wall
the UK also spends an inordinate amount of money on "immigration enforcement", and we are a fucking island
if i was a highly paid democratic strategist, i would simply lean into alienation and destruction politics. wait
You don't win an election as a Democrat by appealing to Republicans. This is just... stupid. Republicans aren't going to vote for the Democratic candidate. Anyone who thinks they can 'win some over' is a fool. This is just pandering to the vile.
Is literally no one in his circle telling him how badly he's stepping on his own dick? The yes-man thing has to be just as bad as with Trump and Kanye.
I'm just going to assume they're just following the scent of institutional money like Pepé le Pew
I know it’s easier to believe they’re trying to lose this but the truth is so much worse: the DC consultant class genuinely believes these are the right political moves and this has Jeff Zients’ fingerprints all over it
'Cause there's more money for less work in being captive opposition.
I actually do think that Dems want to lose. When they hold office, they're expected to do shit. When they lose they get to just bitch and moan and stay rich and influential. I bet a single Goldman Sachs speaking deal pays more than the annual salary of the president, too
Alternatively, they recognize they have their voters over a barrel so they can do whatever they want so long as The Other Guy is worse.
But when they enthusiastically adopt The Other Guy's worst policies, they can't even claim The Other Guy is worse... I don't know what game they're playing here
I honestly don't know who they're trying to impress. Is there a mass of cruel undecideds they're courting? Do they think they'll pull some of the cultists to their side by outdoing trump? This is not going to win them Texas. The Texans who support this are already in trump's pocket.
This is not a ‘play’. this is the actual democrat agenda. Every aspect of resistance is dropped one by one until all that’s left is lip service to culture war
it’s such a bad strategy i just have to assume he’s doing it for the love of the game
Completely different results on DuckDuckGo and Brave. Plz stop using that trash 😽
google has an 80+ percent market share for search. it is reasonable to assume that your average voter is not using ddg
Wait, what? Are you calling them thick? 😅