Neil Ramsay

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Neil Ramsay

Actor, Entrepreneur, Owner of the jewellery brand Montgomery-Ramsay, former president of the American Conifer Society (tree nerd), and general miscreant.
New design my wife's wearing today. More abstract than I usually make. But it's kind of an homage to several artists, and also a response to the weirdly uncomfortable way I felt the whole time while watching the organic horror of Scavengers Reign on Netflix.
Annnd we're back up. After only 44 hours, Comcast finally realised that it was, in fact, NOT my hardware that was at issue -- something I'd tried to tell them multiple times. I feel like having to deal with level 1 support is a certain kind of hell for any kind of network or computer tech.
32 hours Comcast has been down in this area. They think they fixed things, but they did not. Then they thought they fixed things again, but they did not. Now, they’re saying the biz line will be down at least until Thursday. Brilliant.
Running at 22 hours now that Comcast has been completely down in this area with no ETTR. It’s not like I NEEDED to run a business or anything….
What are we thinking here? Yes? No? This is possibly one of the end of year launch items.
Amazon shipped the wrong item AGAIN as a replacement for the wrong item they shipped the last time. They are truly a pinnacle of logistics over there...
Reposted byAvatar Neil Ramsay
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Took my wife to the local zoo (Atlanta) for her first time ever seeing pandas in person. They're going home at the end of the year, so we don't know when she'd ever get to see them again.
Amazon not only sent the wrong package today, they sent something that was broken, marked as broken, and returned to Amazon previously. I'm always amazed when people talk about Amazon's 'incredible logistics,' because they lose half my packages and misdeliver 3/4 of them. Absolutely awful.
Running your own business isn't for everyone. You've gotta be a self-starter. You've got to be ready to FIND that motivation every day, and jump into the workday! You've got to be able to be head down to the grindstone to -- oh who the fuck am I kidding... no sleep. Can barely see. What is going on?
Most 'types' of gemstones are really just different colours of the same materials. For instance, Emerald is just a colour of beryl. Ruby is a colour of corundum (red, with all OTHER colours being called sapphire -- even some red ones). Citrine is a colour range of quartz. Some colours are worth more
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Got to see my dad today. He'll be 97 this year, so every moment I get with him is a gift. He was in good spirits, and enjoyed the Scotch I brought him (Bladnoch 11, this year's release). Happy Father's Day, dad!
A pic of my dad in 1974. I'm lucky he's still with me today to pester (which I shall be off to do in a bit). I was a little young back when this pic was taken, so I don't remember it all that well, but it's fun to take trips into the family photos.
My wife made a BIG batch of gochujang caramel cookie dough to roll up and put in the freezer, so she can just make me cookies on demand. This woman... this woman is the kind of human I absolutely do not deserve. And yet, she married me anyway. Life can be truly awesome that way.
All right. 50A 240V wired to a new outlet in the shop. Working with 6 GA copper is... more work than I wanted today. But my wife helped, 'cause she's awesome like that.
A friend of mine in Venice (Italy) took a pic of someone walking a meerkat on a leash. That's... not something you see every day...
Korean fried chicken for lunch. This sweet one tastes weirdly like fried apple pie. I am not sure how I feel about it.
A view from Terrora Circle, June 2010.
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The technique of expressing this ink painting with urushi is unique to our workshop. We can replicate even the fine details, such as the brush strokes. #fountainpens
Mixed news at the vet Internist appt this morning, but mostly good. We're going to try dropping Sansa's chemo to once a week instead of twice a week and see if that solves her anemia issues. Otherwise mostly healthy.
If you haven't checked out Breaks yet, then... well... why not? It's an incredible story, and if you start now, you might get caught up just in time for Book 3 to come out!
Happy birthday, me! If you feel like bringing bday cheer, maybe consider popping a few kind words on amazon/goodreads in review for BREAKS.🏳️‍🌈💛 Visibility matters, especially with book 3 on the way! It would be the best gift. x
These days, any time I read a new article about a new law being passed in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee Mississippi, Louisiana, SC, NC, or Texas, I'm reminded of why the phrase 'when things go south' means 'when things get much much worse.'
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Some great ways to support me and my art Wips, sketches, behind the scenes, early access and wallpapers to download You can buy some sweet artprints! A great way for a small donation if you like what I do
No air layer pot big enough? Make your own!
It's the time of year when every 'man's store' starts sending out advertisements for the things your dad wants for father's day: power tools, shop tools, the ubiquitous 'new phone' or some such. Take it from an old person: stuff's fun. But consumables don't clutter up the place nearly as long.
Reposted byAvatar Neil Ramsay
Has anyone done a zombie story/film about how the government says the zombie problem is over and they don't record/publish zombie-related death info anymore and everyone goes back to normal life but vulnerable people keep getting killed by zombies and no one cares, has anyone done that
I really enjoy seeing former coworkers on LinkedIn post comments and 'expert opinions' about issues in which they were spectacular failures. Leadership, time management, fiscal responsibility... all of it. Really good for a laugh.