
Seems to be a consensus that Biden’s doing poorly and the moderators are letting Trump spew absolutely ludicrous lies without any pushback whatsoever. Glad I’m not watching.
A bunch of well intentioned people on Xitter are trying to fact-check the debate (which appears to be an utter shitshow). Someone has to do it but I’m not sure it matters.
Biden had some bad early stumbles. Now, as far as I can tell, the words he's saying are fine but he sounds hoarse or sick or dog knows. Trump is lying and the moderators are doing nothing. Trump sounds confident and smooth, but he's just saying things that are untrue, or incendiary, or both.
total clusterfuck. but i started really trying to listen to Biden's words and he sounds average. maybe more straightforward than his average, which has always been a little random for reasons we all know. he's not Cicero, or Lincoln, or Obama. but his voice sounds terrible.
i might be sensitive about this because I'm decades younger than Biden and my voice was messed up from COVID and then a cold for over a month.
The former president is ignoring many questions, and will not commit to accepting the results of the election. The infanticide comments were also really bad. I get that Biden is not speaking smoothly, but I struggle to see this as a disaster for him.
The word is he does have a cold.
Trump is not even a good liar. What a fraud
Comparing their performance and how they're presenting, I think trump is stronger bc his voice is stronger. But every word out of his mouth is a lie and man I hope the people watching see that.
Biden's staffers said that he has a cold. So that at least explains the voice.
yeah. and he definitely had a confused moment, or several, at the beginning, but in general I think falling into this narrative is a mistake
This is a cogent and concise summary. Thank you.