
2023 COVID deaths were higher than if we’d reintroduced polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles & mumps combined. 75k vs 43k, adjusted for population. This is bc of CASE load. Other viruses are deadlier, but none reinfect like Covid. Read:
COVID lulls aren't being earned by policy; they're being bought with infections and Celebrating a COVID lull years into the Biden Administration's utter abandonment is woefully out of touch with the science
Yall need to understand that a SMALL percentage of a LARGE number is still a LARGE number. Rn most ppl are getting covid 1-2 times a year. No other virus does that. Most ppl get flu 1-2x per DECADE. And EVERY infection causes damage. Heart, organ, brain. This is unsustainable
No they aren't. No it doesn't.
Sources linked throughout the piece, newsflash constantly getting diseases is bad for you and it’s absurd that that’s being treated as controversial bc politicians wanted you back at work
Come on mate, deploy some of the rationality you claim to promote. You can't respond to cited sources with "nuh uh", that's not intellectually honest. Go pull your sources, and we can all review methodologies and statistics like rational adults.
The world would look very different if the things she claims are true. It would not be something that was hidden and only revealed through statistical studies. Importantly, she does not cite anything reliable that support those two specific claims.
I guess whether or not you can see it depends on who you talk to and how closely you're paying attention? Ime, people have all sorts of little new problems that don't seem to be going away. Statistics are how we quantify that sort of change.
I would love to have robust data on reinfection rates, but unfortunately it's just not available. From death rates we can extrapolate some assumptions, putting reinfections on a several-year cycle. Anecdotally a lot of people seem to be getting it every couple of years, but we lack good data.
As for permanent damage with each infection, that's very straightforward: we know that SarS-COV2 can and does infect cardiac cells, and we know that cardiac cells don't fully replace after injury. It stands to reason that after any infection that kills more than a handful of cells, there's damage.
We can't really make frequency claims about the steady state over the next twenty-plus years when the major pandemic phase was still ongoing within the last two.