
I wrote about American Nazis and what they believe, and the white Christian movement that calls itself "conservative," and the differentiators between the two. Or perhaps I should say, the lack of them. The danger that's coming, and that which is here already.
Americans Who Want To Kill An essay about the present danger, and the danger coming after the present danger. Supremacists who kill with laws and those who kill without them. Differentiators, Part 4
I think '"conservative"' is too soft of a word. "Stupid and delusional" sounds more accurate tbh.
I have other suggestions in the essay.
What ever happened to the concept of "responsible opposition" like we were taught in school? ... Not a serious question, the answer is money of course, just exclaiming into the void.
or it's a relic of the time when it was important to performatively acquiesce to the power of the monarch by blaming any policy you didn't like on the monarch's (other) servants since it got its start as 'loyal opposition', i.e. opposed to the government but not the monarch 🤷‍♀️
A terrific essay. Thank you very much 👍
so much panic and hot-takes when the film came out. I knew if I waited a bit, smarter people would analyse and understand what the movie is really about. And it's not about Trump, though many may wish so.