
I know these are polarizing times, but if you take the time to talk to American conservatives and center-right types and really listen to what they believe is right and just and good, they sure do sound like the worst people on the planet .
I mean if we step outside of our little online bubbles and really listen to conservatives and their perspective, they'll openly and proudly tell you stuff that you can easily read about people saying in any history lesson about for example Germany 1939. It's quite extraordinary.
This is one of the things that bugs me about the way journalists talk to these people. They ask them about things like scandals and the economy and seldom ask about their opinions on who should be permitted to vote or not, or who should be allowed free speech rights.
It never ceased to amaze my sister what Republicans thought free to say at one of their events which she attended while doing some sort of election-based work in Iowa. If she was there, she must have been one of them, and all the vile, racist, sexist crap tripped lightly from their tongues. Awful.
I’ve found that if I simply provide a sympathetic ear and let them talk, even people who think of themselves as kind and reasonable hold some terrifying beliefs.
For example, the nice religious anti-abortion guy who explained that he loved & respected women eventually revealed that he didn’t think women should be allowed to make decisions about reproduction bc they are too emotionally involved.
Shouldn't someone making decisions about their health be emotionally involved? Also, ain't my body, ain't my decision.
That's the normal answer. But I was told that since women are so invested in what happens to their bodies, it's good to have someone more balanced, like the husband or legislature, decide things like whose life matters. *insert Madeline Kahn gif here, you know which one*
It shouldn't be the legislature. I think that each partner has control over their body, but should consider the impact on the other. Not give up control, but consider if the act will piss off the other. Standard partnership stuff. And this is true no matter the sexuality of the people involved.
Well, that would be a relationship based on mutual respect and love, and I don't think the hard-core Christians would elevate that over protecting the Patriarchy, which insists that men get all the choices. Not to say that fundamentalists (Catholic or Protestant brands) can't love their spouses,
Just read thru the policy goals of Project 2025 and know that practically every conservative you've met - family, friends, coworkers, co-parishioners, strangers at the store, ppl you muted on social media - would be totally OK with any of that shit coming to pass, or at least do nothing to stop it.
We should listen to them in the off chance that it convinces us to strangle them.
Look, a lot of my relatives are conservatives, and as long as I walk on eggshells and avoid bringing up anything remotely "political" whatsoever and tune it out whenever anyone else brings up such a topic around them, I can continue to believe they're not like the rabid fascists I see online.