
This will be one about hope, though maybe not "hope" as it is usually meant. Hope is a defiant act taken against those who would sabotage any act of reparation—and sabotaging repair is exactly what fascism does. For this reason, hope is what is needed right now.
A Fool's How to be hopeful people in this age of deliberate ignorance, empty optimism, lazy cynicism, and manufactured despair. A more useful definition of hope than these false ones we're offered.
Real hope isn't a passive thing, you know; no, hope is a crucial step in the natural process of repair. You can't fix a thing until you have the conviction it should be fixed, and the expectant determination to fix it—and if that doesn't describe hope, I don't know what does.
And hope builds upon the first step in the natural progressive process of repair—awareness—so I intend to open with an act of awareness for all of us by witnessing to many ugly truths that are easily observable all around us. Things look bad, friends. Worse than usual I mean.
The last week felt much like the other two events that most advanced American fascism—that being the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Trump election. There's a pervasive and inescapable feeling of dread and despair around, because, as fascists see it, there is supposed to be.
Dread and despair are spiritual states that fascists, those American supremacist bullies—who'd like everyone to be either owned by them or dead in the ground—most want us to occupy. And fascists are working very hard to make sure that dread and despair are what we feel.
Here's what happened: The fascist majority in the body that for some reason is still allowed to call itself our Supreme Court took the Constitution and American democracy out in the back of the building and shot it in the head.
This is exactly what the presidents who appointed them always intended for them to do, exactly the act for which these thugs in robes have been lavishly rewarded ahead of the fact by christian billionaires who intend to control our bodies and lives through punishment and fear.
I prefer to frame it as SCOTUS tried to kill the Constitution, but you can't kill an idea. They won't win.
I deeply appreciate your writing in these times, thank you so much
Thank you for this. We all need to walk away from Omelas.
A great essay. Very appreciated by this Floridian, the testing ground of US fascism.
It's difficult to have hope for society, in any sense of the word, when you struggle to have hope, in any sense of the word, for yourself. I suspect I'm not alone in that.