
“trans isn’t real” is always the most bizarre transphobic remarks people make. what do you mean it isn’t real. i’m literally injecting estrogen
I also find "trans people didn't exist 5 years ago" interesting because I transitioned 11 years ago and people already said that back then
They’re basically telling on themselves that they’re incredibly sheltered and have never spoken to a non-Log Cabin Republican cis gay person, much less a trans person, in their entire lives.
Amusingly, they *didn't* say that 20 years ago They mocked us relentlessly of course, but they didn't pretend we hadn't existed before
No surprise that those types would say trans isnt real, since they're traditionally against anything that requires knowledge and awareness of self
its so insanely stupid, like, what?
Not sure if you knew this but the only existence you can objectively verify is your own bud. Reality is a simulacrum of your own creation to some degree. None of this is real. So you might as well be a faggot woman
That's why they need uninformed people to systematically ignore us or write us off as inherently bias. You can't really argue against "then why do I exist?" without resorting to disgusting stereotypes.
That is so weird. Do they think we just dreamed how HRT has been a godsend to our mental health? Or that our amazing tits that 5 years of the good girl juice have brought us just somehow manifest by my force of will. (If we could have grown tits that way, we would have done it long ago).
A lot of them don't know about hrt and think we're just using falsies.... I wish I were joking
yeah......the amount of people who live near me who think transwomen HAVE to get implants is.....well it isn't surprising but it is sad
Transphobes are just trying to hitch themselves to the vastly more reputable “birds aren’t real” movement.
it's not real, you're not real, if I cover my eyes and ears you disappear, which means you cease to exist, I won!
There's an old bit by like a reporter, and not sure if it was Hulk Hogan or some other WWF star, but he's like "how do you respond to the charges that wrestling is scripted, fake??" *punches him in the face* 🤜😩 "How's that for fake??" You should just punch them all.
Hulk Hogan, meanwhile, put Richard Belzer in a front facelock on his talk show and tightened it until Belz passed out and concussed himself when hitting the floor 🤣
I can't believe that was Stossel! That makes it so much better. :)
The one that baffles me is "It's just mental illness!" Like, okay, so even in your transphobic version of reality, you're attacking people for having a mental illness? You're still the bad guys??
From the ppl who are so mad at trans this, trans that they've come to believe pronouns are unnecessary, in life, period, so... I dunno what's bizarre here. I'm like "What will these crazy kids think of next?". Anything they believe is real to them, because it's opposite to us, we're fake, it's fake.
They don't have to wonder if it's fake, a slew of social media influencers, streamers & content creators tell them every single fear they have about trans people is indeed, real, while "trans people" are not with an itemlized list of reasons for why their rhetoric should be taken seriously.
"You aren't real and that's what I get angry about every day"
"I don't understand French but the language still exists."
it's a red herring to draw us away from the real truth that is "cis isn't real"
or, trans is the friends we made along the way.
This is I get what you'd call trans-realism
Those ones are honestly the most malicious. Like you can’t take the rights from or eliminate a people who “don’t exist” even if you’re actively attacking trans people just labelling them as something else. It’s like the 10 stages of Genocide version of I’m not touching you.
You aren't real? Damn. AI has come for trans shitposters 😔