(the) Um-Aktualoid

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(the) Um-Aktualoid


Cool guy, hater, yes-ander

My top 5 fears: wild animals, failure, women, global annihilation, the dark if I’m feeling antsy

By reading my posts you agree not to be mad at me
I’m allowed to say it, it’s my big special day
If Kamala Harris could beat Trump I’d vote for that dizzy bitch shit
A total ban is the only sane policy for Airbnb. There obviously needs to be accommodation in cities for visitors, but that shouldn’t be at the expense of housing units for people who actually live there. More governments should follow Barcelona’s lead.
Barcelona Plans to Ban All Short-Term Rentals for Tourists From 2029www.bloomberg.com Barcelona plans to enact a citywide ban on all short-term rentals to address complaints that tourism is to blame for a local housing crisis and soaring rents.
The way that antisemitism protection has been a contentious issue on here really has dipped my enthusiasm for the app. There is less content and more safety issues. People were even doing victory laps over this. But where is there to go even? Reddit/Twitter both have stormfront shit in left spaces
the person in charge of aegis' antisemitism label, which has been very contentious since day one, went over to taurus. people were very unhappy and the taurus dev basically went "none of this is worth my time or energy" and called it quits
More tech guys need to do monkey-based scams. I love when Ape Escape memes become relevant
The discover tab isn’t as good when news happens. The embarrassing libs are better at generic content.
So you put your faith in a supreme court designed by slave-owning oligarchs. Where did that bring you? Back to me.
we're all overlooking the important question though, which is are the justices all still friends having fun, despite their disagreements
I’m something of a badboy for cats. I stand up, I pick them up off me and they’re still begging for more because they secretly love it.
It’s wild how someone can just like, fully believe in the Protocols of Zion and be acceptable to engage with and goof with on Bluesky
It bears repeating that part of the reason the major parties love to do transphobia because they are bigots, yes, but also because it allows them to pretend they are doing something for women and thereby get out of doing anything real or meaningful.
Fuck all about women's rights is the answer. Nothing about equal pay, opportunities, training, childcare, reproductive rights, *actual* sexual predation (rather than theorical), domestic abuse, menopausal support or mental health. But a whole heap of bullshit about toilets.
I love goofs I love wacky occasions I love when somebody oopsiedaisies the sword of fate
i've already seen a number of blatantly-transphobic people cheering that they'll be "free from the tyranny" of aegis so if you want them to stay muted, taurus is solid and hopefully will not explode in a month too
Honestly this is why they got so mad and they were right!!!
@goingmedieval.bsky.social if only the Catholic Church’s temporal power hadn’t diminished through the modern period. They would have brought a stop to randos declaring the antichrist
Should I watch this
when my egg cracked i felt like Isabel at the end. i am so glad i kept going. i am so glad i woke back up again. oh my god. that other existence was a slow & numbing death. to anyone on the fence, wondering if they can do it: there is still time. transition.
If you are so concerned about the Holocaust and antisemitism, might I suggest you consider applying a bullet to your brain so that you might not harm its legacy and disgrace those who died. Vos a shand. A koyl far dos meshugane goy
Saying “damn straight” is bisexual erasure
לאנג לעבן און וווילטאג פאר אונדזער נוקם-פייטערן
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 19,1952
That’s right Nancy. You’ll never forgive those Pétainists and how they betrayed the Republic. You teach that fash-flirting Sluggo a lesson!
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 21,1945
I am the bad manipulative gamemaster. Every scenario is a Kobayoshi Maru simulation. You will be tested on your ability to overcome adversity.
According to some nice rando, a Player Character dying is always the product of a bad Game Master. Always. Also, people who enjoy RPGs where character death is a high possibility (Cyberpunk, CoC, Delta Green, etc.) are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. They don't actually like those games.